Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Romani World war 1916 940.4296 
Romanism 282 
Romanos, R. M.de Span.lit. 863.52 
Romans, epistle to Bible 2237.1: 
Romans d’aventures 
Provencal poetry 849.123 
‘Romansh languaj 459.9 
2 literature 859.9 
Romantic orchestral music 785.3 
piano music 786.43 
vocal 784.3 
Romany gipsies 397 
ancient history 937 
church of 282 
missions 266.2 
theology 230.2 
city, ancient hist. 937.6 
modern 4 945.6 
travels 914.56 
Romer, Ole Dan. misc. 839.8183 
722.7 Romish church 282 
ge : I Rommel grape 634.84709 
Romney marsh sheep 636.3215 
282 Rond ic f 81.508 
ondo music form 781.50813 
922.2 piano music 786.41 
946.01 IRonietta history 966.46 
937.06 Ronsard, Pierre de Fr. poet. 841.34 
943 Ronssoy World war 1918 940.434} 
937 Rontgen rays, see X rays 
945-6 Rood screen  fixt furniture 729.96 
272.2 sacred ¢ 247.2 
870 gardens dom. economy 645.8 
292 nuclei anatomy 611.81713 
271 of mouth 611.315 
729.32 Roofs 
religion 292 architectural design 
republic history 037.02 construction architec. 
sculpture 733 coverings bilding 
supremacy relig. history 270.4 engineering 
Roman de la Rose Fr.poet. 841.18 museum 
du Renard © satire 847.12 thatcht ~~ manuf. 
"Romance, English 823 ‘Rooks co. Kan. hist. 
languages 479 Rooms 
literatures 879 library, in other bilding 022.37 
religious 244 plans 022. 342 
Romances, Los Sp. poetry 861.26 offis 651.1 
Romanesque school 371.62 
architecture 723.4 | special lib. bildings 022.6 
revival architecture 724.8 Roosevelt, Theo. presidency 973.911 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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