v1 2Q
botany 583.891
cheese 637.3542
foundation 306
garden crops 635.71
rose botany 583.455
1Saginaw city, Mich. hist. 977.446
co. “4 977.446
Sago chemic technology 664.2
1Saguenay co. Que. history 971.417
Sahara desert history 966.11
phys. geog. 551.58
travel 916.611
Saharan oases “ 916.57
1Sahel history 966.22
4Saho languaj 493.54
Sail cloth manuf. 677.116412
Sailing directions 656
great circle navig. 527.5
sport 797.124
vessels, early 623.821
modern 623.822
Saillisel World war 1916 940.4272
Sailmaking trade 689
Sailors biografy 926.56
suffrage 324.177
Sails ship outfit 623.86
Sainfoin 633.361
Albans raid U.S. hist. 973.722
Vt.“ 974.3
Amant, M. A. G. Fr.satire 847.42
Augustine, Fla. hist. 975.9181
Bartholomew massacre 272.4
Bernard, hospice of
protection of life 614.8%
lL Brandon history 969.84
1 Catherines city, Ont. hist. 971.351
! Charles co. Mo. history 977.839
* Clair co. Ill. history 977.389
Mich. « 077.441
Mo. “ 077.8466
Clair’'s exped. U.S. hist. 973.42
Croix co. Wis. history 977.541
Die World war 1914 940.4219
Elo “ 1916 040.4271
Etienne “ 1918 040.4363
Evremond Fr. essays 844.42
Francois co. Mo. history 977.868
grape 634.8544
Georges World war 1914 940.4213
treaty internat. law 341.2436
W. war results 940.31412
Gobain Massif W.war 1918 940.4364
1 Helena history 997%
! Hyacinthe co. Que. hist. 971.452
! John city, N. B. “ 971.532
co. “ “ 971.532
lake, Que. travel 917.1414
of Jerusal. knights of929.711
John's bread 634.462
co. Fla. history 975.918
Que. “ 971.438
Johnswort botany 583.162
t Joseph co. Ind. history 977.289
Mich. © 977.419
Mo. “ 977.8131
Juvin World war 1918 940.4364
Laurent grape 634.8543
t Lawrence co. N.Y. hist. 974.756
river, Que. “ 971.4
Louis city, Mo. “ 977.866
travel 917.7866
co. Mo. history 977.865
Senegal # 966.31
Lucie co. Fla. “ 975.929
Marc Girardin Fr. essays 844.75
Mark's history 968.654
Mary co. Md. history 975.241
Marylebone, London hist. 942.14
Maur World war 1918 040.4344
Maurice co. Que. hist. 971.445
Mihiel World war 1914 940.4218
1918 940.4357
t Pancras, London hist. 942.14
1 Paul iland hist. 969.92
' Petersburg, Fla. © 975.9631
travel 917.5963]
Russia hist. 947.4
trav. 914.74
Pierre, J. H: B.de Fr.fic. 843.61
Quentin W. war 1918 Mar. 940.4341
Sep. 940.4362
Simonism socialism 335.2
Souplet World war 1918 940.4362
Thiery grape 634.8544
Thomas city, Ont. hist. 971.335
iland hist. 966.994
Vitus’ dance diseases 616.851
Sainte Beuve, C: A. Fr. lit. 844.74
Genevieve World war 940.4218
+ co. Mo. hist. 977.869
Saintonge sheep 636.3427
apostolic lives of 225.92
days labor holidays 331.817
doctrin 228
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index