Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Appreciation of music 
clas’n of workers econ. 331.11355 
offis ec. 651.34355 
dep’t organiza. economics 33I.12448 
offis ec, 651.3748 
duties of ethics 174.8 
labor polit. econ. 331.55 
library economy 023.75 
Apprentisship bldg trade 690.7 
polit. econ. 331.861 
Approach, grafting by 631.54146 
Approaches  bridgebilding 624.14 
Approbation sch. gov't 371.53 . 
Appropriation bills design 
legislativ powers music form 
U. S. finance plans muse 
Appropriations Arabia 
library finances 035.112 ancient history 
support 021.91 ! modern history 
Approval sistem sales meth. 658.857 travels 
Approximations algebra 512.22 Arabia Peltonen 
Apremont, France ancient history 
pond war 1918  snpdern 
prico travel 
culture 634.21 Arabian horses 
S. Domingo 634-654 sheep 
scab botany 589.241 Arabic 
pests 632.4 . 
April 1 customs 394.268 srehitecturs . 733-3 
folklore 398.3321 discovery of America 973.11 
April 19, anniv. Am. revol. 973.362 ' language 492.7 
Aprons domestic econ. 646.48 * literature . . 892.7 
Aptera pests 632.751 numerals arithmetic 511.2 
zoology 505.751 philosofy 189.3 
Apterygidae zoology 598.54 Arabs in Spain Span. hist. 946.02 
Apulia, It. ancient hist. 937.7 Arachnida parasitica ectozoa 616.9685 
\ modern  “ 045.75 zoology 505.4 
travels 914.575 Arachnoid 
Aquariums museum relat. 069.683 membrane anatomy = 611.8293 
zoology 590.7 villi “ 611.8193 
Aquataca 634.653 Aradabil World war 1915 040.4254 
Aquatic lAragon, Spain history .946.5 
animals effect of baro- Araliaceee botany 583.491 
metric pressure 612.279 ‘A ic language 2. 
rights law 347.2 Tamaic ‘anguag 402. 
— 333.9 Aramon grape 634.8544 
Aquatint engraving 766 Araneida zoology 595-44 
Aqueduct of Sylvius anat. 611.8156 Arantius, venous duct of ~~ 611.1497 
Aqueducts Aratus Greek poetry 881.2 
canals oa. Arbitrage stock exch. 332.6 
Roman antiquities 013.376 Arbitrary . 
waterworks 628.14 power absol. monarchy 321.6 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this inde 
Aqueductus cerebri anat.611.8156 
erosion geology 551.35 
humor anatomy 611.8449 
physiology 612.8444 
rocks geology 552.5 
treatment prac. chem. 542.6 
Aquinas medieval phil 189.4 
respiration zoology 
decoration painted 

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