Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Arkansas, state 
1 history. 976.7 
For mil. hist. see subd. of 
Special campains and Mili- 
tary history under 973.52, 
973.7 and 973.89 
secession 973-713 
travel 917.6% 
World war 1917 040.4315 
Arlington co. Va. hist. 975.5295 
anatomy 611.972 
lymphatics of anat.  611.42172 
muscles “ 4 611.7372 
Armada, Span. Eng. hist. 942.055 
Span. “ 0946.04 
Armadillo zoology 599.31 
Armagh, Ireland history 941.66 
Armament  shipbilding 623.9 
Armamentaria surgery 617.91 
Armaments ordnance 623.4 
Armature stamps elec. eng. 621.318 
Armatures elec. eng. 621.316 
Armd gloves manuf. 685.434 
neutrality inter. law 341.3 
ancient history 
modern  “ 
World war 1916 
' language 
b literature 
Armentiéres, France 
World war 1914 
1918 Ap. 
military engineering 623 
science 355 
U. 8. history civil war 0973.74 
Mex. 073.624 
revolution 073.34 
Spanish war 973.804 
war of 1812 973.524 
fortifications 623.124 
plate manufactures 672 
shipbilding 623.9 
war customs 399 
Armord vessels mil. eng. 623.9 
wire ~~ manuf, 677.734 
‘Armorican language 4901.68 
Armories architecture 725.18 
mil. eng. © 623.48 
Armor-piercing shells 623.4518 
artificial 617.57 
coats of college or univ. 378.27 
heraldry 0129.8 
cross elec. engin'g 621.319224 
gunmaking 683 
military engineering 623.4 
science 355 
sergeant at 328.3624 
war customs 399 
Armstrong co. Pa. hist. 974.888 
and navy union, regular 369.111 
blankets manuf. 677.6261 
British 354 .42066 
chaplains U.S. civ. warg73.778 
cookery dom. econ. 641.573 
corps mil science © 355.31 
U.S. civ. war 973.7416 
foren countries 354 
life military science 355.1 
U. S. civil war, north 973.783 
south 973.784 
World war Cent. allies 940.484 
Entente “ 940.483 
lists foren 354 
United States 353.6 
military science 355 
officials lives 923.5 
organization mil science 355.31 
posts mil. engineering 623.613 
regular TU. S. civil war 973.7411 
regulations 355 
revivals U.S. civil war 973.778 
Salvation relig. assns. 267.15 
war customs solitaire 795.43 
World war United States 353.7 
Arminian baptists worm agriculture 632.786 
Arminianism econ. zoology 591.69 
continental prot. sects 284.9 entomology 595.786 
methodism 287 Arna cattle 636.2932 
Armistis internat. law 341.3 Arnaut, Dan. Prov. poet. 849.127 
World war 1918 940.439 Arndt, E. M. Ger. poetry 831.71 
Topics in black face tyne are subdivided, Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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