Tarnow World war 1915 940.4253
Tarpaulin manuf, 677.116412
Tarragon 635.74
Tarsal artery anat. 611.13794
Tarsometatarsal joints 611.7286
Tarsus © anatomy 611.7187
Tartar emetic, medicin 615.731
horses 636.11
languajes | 494.3
sheep 636.385
YTartary history 950
travels 915
work wage bases econ. 331.231
offis ec. 651.3837
Tasks school disciplin 371.56
Tasmania history 994.6
Tassajo botany 583.471
Tasso, B. Ital. poetry 851.35
T. § “ 851.46
Tassoni, A. * satire 857.51
anatomy 611.87
and criticism fine arts 701
esthetics « 701
facial nerv action 612.81975
in printing 655.25
mental perceptions 152.4
physiology 612.87
workers equipment econ. 331.1146
offis “ 651.3446
exemption from 336.239
farm economics 631.112
for raising library funds oa2x .9x
income, amend't U.S. hist. 973.912
tariff political econ, 337
Taxidermy biology 579.4
museum econ. 069. 45966
Taximeters manuf. 681.124
Taxonomic forestry 634.97
Taylor, Bayard Am. poet. 811.46
Z. presidency of 973.63
Taylor co. Fla. history 975.986
: Ia. “ 977.979
2 W.Va, 975.455
Wis. “ 977.526
grape 634 .843209
shorthand 653.35
Taylor’s campain Mex. war 973.6233
theorem algebra 512.4
"Tazewell co. Il. history 077.354
: Va. “ 975.576
‘Tcheremissian languaj 404.521
Tcherkesse languajes 499.9613
Tea adulterations 614.347
beverages 641.87
botany 583.166
commercial mixing 663.9
cultivation 633.72
hygiene 613.37
physiology 612.3032
rooms dom. econ. 647.95
tax on Amer. revol. 973.3115¢
and teaching 371
biografy 023.7
cards lib. econ. 024.71
colleges 370.73
institutes education 370.72
library propagandism 021.75
rating 371.13
relation to library 021.31
Sunday skool 268.37
training education 370.7
museum econ. 069.157
university faculty 378.12
freedom of education 378.121
pol. sci. 323.444
t of special topics see subject
Team work teaching body 371.101
Tear apparatus anat, 611.8464
physiol. 612.847
Teas, commercial mixing of 663.9
horses 636.11
languajes 404.3
sheep 636.385
Tati district history 968.9228
Tatting domestic econ. 646.26
manuf. 677.663
Tattooing customs 391.7
Taungs history 968.7875
Tautomerism chem. 541.7
Taverns housekeeping 647.94
Tavata World war 1914 940.4236
Tavsen, Hans Dan. poetry 839.8112
Tax, military mil. sci. 355.2
titles law 347.2
causes of Amer. revol. 973.3114
forestry 634.92846
local government 352.1
of poor 362.535
political economy 336.2
school support 379.13
Topics in black face type are subdivided Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index