metaphysics 115
of day hygiene 613.13
extra library loans 024.72
offis administration 651.41
records indus. manage.658.53
offis econ. 651.66
standard 529.75
study indus. manage. 658. 5421
systems and standard 520.75
tables railroad 656
wage bases economics 331.232
offis econ. 651.3832
feeding zootechny 636.08442
Timok World war 1915 940.4255
Timon Greek philosofers 186.1
Timothy 1 Bible 227.83
2 “ 227.84
Timothy forage crops 633.24
chemistry 546.81
group = chemistry 546.8
manufacture 671
metallurgy 669.6
mining 622.34
prehistoric 571.31
ores econ. geology 553.45
roofing bilding 695.4
Tinsel dom. economy = 646.19
Tinting laundry process 648.2%
Tintypes photografy 772
'Tioga co. N. Y. history 974.777
: Pa. “ 974.856
mines Tipcat games 796.24
‘Timbo history Tippecanoe
Timbre, voice physiol. battle U.S. war of 1812 973.51
Timbuktu hist. tl co. Ind. history 977.295
travels Tipperary, Ireland history 941.92
Time Tips economics 331.238
accounting museum econ. 069.647 offis econ. 651.3838
allowances ind. manage. 658.543 Tipton co. Ind. hist. = 977.255
chronology 520 Tiraboschi, G. It. essays 854.63
clocks library economy 023.611 Tirant lo Blanch Catal.fict. 849.933
manuf. 681.1187 Tires railway engin'g 625.21
offis administra. 65.4211 rubber manufacture 678
cosmic 529.77 Tirlemont World war 1914 940.4212
distribution of 529.76 Tirol # I9I5 940.4248
finding at sea 527.3 1916 940.4274
keepers watchmaking 681.11 Tirso de Molina Span.dram. 862.33
limit of library loans 024.62 Tisis lung diseases 616.246
lost library servis 023.641 public helth 614.542
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index