Tonalities music 781.22
Tone color acoustics 534.5
physiology 612.85874
formation vocal mus. 784.94
poems music 785.11
Tones, distinction of phys. 612.85874
'Tongaland history 968.38
Tongue, see Tung
muscular contraction 612.74114
sol-fa vocal music 784.94
Tonicity reflex movements 612.82933
Tonics aids to digestion 615.7341
Tonkin history 959.9
Tonkin swine 636.485
Tonnage gaging 389
shipping 656
Tonneau sports 796.24
Tonquin, see Tonkin
Tonsillae intestinales 611.3443
Tonsils anatomy 611.322
diseases of 616.31
physiology 612.3122
surveying 526.99
thermic physiology 612.563
Toppers, corn 631.3555
Torches chemic technol. 665.1
military engin’'g 623 .45442
Torchwood botany 583.247.
Torcy World war 1918 940.4351
Torelli, Achille Ital. dram+ 852.86
Tories Amer. pol. parties 329.8
revolution 973.314
Eng. polit. parties 329.942
Tornadoes meteorology ~~ 551.55
Toro history 967.613
Toronto, Ont. history 971.3541
boats naval engineering 623.825
shells ordnance 623.4517
explosivs 662.2
land military engin’g ~~ 623.26
naval i “ 623.95
Torrens system 333.3
Tool Torres Naharro, B. 862.39
maintenance indus. man. 658.582 Torsion engineering 620.11243
room shop organiza. 658.563 molecular physics 539.3
Tools Tortoises zoology 598.13
agricultural 631.3 Torts law 347.5
bilding 690.7 Torture customs of war 399
bronze age 571.35 law 340.3
logging 634.9823 persecutions 272
machine 621.9 Total abstinence 178.2
mechanic trades 680 depravity doc. theol. 233.2
mechanical engineering ~~ 621.9 Totemism customs 392
printing 655.21 nonchrist. relig. 291.211
stone age . S71-25 Totipalmate swimmers birds 598.43
Toothake dentistry 617.65 Touares languaj 493.3
Toothshells zoology 504.2 ou oz 2 J
Tootht gears 621.83 Tesaurils i 493-3
stints wo ology 599.53 Toucan birds 598.72
Top grafting 631.5414¢ Touch anatomy 611.88
Topeka, Kan. hist. 978.1631 magnetism 538.2
Topelits, Z. Swed. fiction 839.7366 mental faculties 152.5
Topical method instruction 371.36 physiology } 612.88
Topinamber 635.24 plano instruction 786.32
Topografic drawing 526.98 sensory functions 612.8255¢
geodesy 526.0 ‘Touda languaj 494.822
surveying forestry 634.9324 1Touggout history 965.7
Topografy Toul World war 1918 940.448
aerial 629.145 Toulon World war 040.453
hygiene of ground 614.77 Toulouse history 944.86
maps 912 travels 914.486
military 623.71 goose 636.5984
Tooics in black face type are subdivided. Suoerior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index