Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

useful arts 
wages economics 
Trading companies 
ecclesiastic polity 262.7 
folklore 398.1 
Traduction orig.ofsoul 129.2 
in intoxicating drinks 
‘Tragedies Eng, literature 
Trail chuting logging 
sliding “ 
Trailing arbutus botany 
Trails forest eng. 
boats  shipbilding 
Traind animals 
classes agric. educ, 
library library schools 
city transit 388.4 
electric engineering 621.33 
engineering 625.6 
mining engineering © 622.63 
Trance hypnotism 134 
Transactions gen. society 060 
2 special topics, see subject 
Transcendentalism 141 
Transcriptions : 
orchestral music 
piano “ 
boards, telefone 
files offis economy 
of bees bee keeping 
workers economics 
systems, telefone 
vote suffrage 324.224 
Transfiguration Christology 232.956 
796.07 Transformation 
630.775 of coordinates, lociin spaces16. 34 
020.7 plane loci 516.14 
023.532 spheric astronomy 522.73 
museum, 069.07 Transformations algebra 512.86 
of domestic animalg 636.088 Transformer 
laboring classes econ. 331.86 panels elec. engin’g  621.31725 
library executiv 023.42 substations *  “ 621.31263 
offis ensployoss 651.455 Transformers, auto eleng. 621.3144 
plants N 631.546 elec. eng. 621.3143 
sands horses N agric. 030 13 Transfusion of blood 
orsem’p 798.22 hvsiol 
teachers skools 371.12 physiology 
Sunday skools 268.372 T ; 
od ransit 
offis law education 340.7 bildin stronom 22 
physical hygiene 613.7 : gs ast y 522-13 
circle astron. instrum. 522.34 
outdoor sports 796.07 : ‘ 
? finding longitude by 525.48 
skool hygiene 371.7% . 
e time by 529.71 
skools for skool administ’rs 370.76 . 
instrument 522.34 
teachers 370.7 local sociolo 38 
! special topics, see subject cal Socisiogy 3 
: z ry mounting 522.2% 
Trains railroad engin’g 625.2 . 
Tos out of meridian 522.44 
Traitors T . 
American revolution 073.381 TRIE re nomy 523-9 
biografy 923.41 o Yonniy 523.91 
Traits of workers econ. 331.114 . . enus 523.92 
offis ec 651.344 Transkei history 968 . 67 
Trakehner horse 636.143 Translating, art of 808 
Tram silk manuf. 677.4161 Translations Class with originals 
Traminer grape 634.8543 principle of comp. phil. 418 
Tramps pauperism 339.1 1Transleithania hist. 943.9 
Topics in black face type ~re subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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