Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Trilobites paleontology 565.393 Trofs 
Trimera entomol. 595.769 pneumatic chemistry 
Trimmer, hedge 631.3421 voltaic cels engin’g 
Trimming Trogan birds 
braids, asbestos manuf, 677.511 Troganidae “ 
pruning 631.5423 Trois Fréres hist. 
Trimmings manuf, 677.76 Trojel, P. K. Dan. satire 
‘Trinidad history 972.98 P.M. « “ 
Trinitarians mon. order 271.79 Trolley 
Trinity co. Cal. hist. 979.414 arms elec. traction 
doctrinal theology 231 lines “ “ 
Trios vocal music 784.83 systems deliv. of power 
Tripe-cleaning air pollu. 614.742 Trolleys elec. traction 
Triple Trolling fishing 
alliance World war causes 940.3112 Trollope, A. Eng. fiction 
Entente “ “« 940.3112 Trombone wind instrum. 
expansion engins 621.1126€ ‘Tromelin history 
stationary engins 621.1647 Trompes prac. chem. 
Triplets obstetrics 618.25 Feat Norway hist. 
Tripods a i 
De work  geodesy U. S. history civil war 973.74 
practical chemistry Mex. ] 973.624 
Tripoli revolution 973.34 
U Africa hist. 901.2 Span. war 973.894 
travel 016.12 T . war of 1812 973 . 524 
} rophic, see Trofic 
Syria World war 1918 0. fae Trople almond 634.555 
Tripolitania st. 061.2 bird zoology 508.43 
. trav. 916.12 plants botany 581.9 
Trips, school 371.393 floriculture ~~ 635.9522 
Triquetrum, os  anat. 611.71773 Tropics 
Trissino, G. G. Ital. drama 852.33 agriculture 
Tristegineae forage crops 633.281 clothing suitable to 
Tritons zoology 594.3 cookery for 
Trituration prac. chem. 542.22 hygiene 
Triumf card game 795. 41 Trotter horse oo 
grape 634.84700 Trotting racing 
Triumfs customs 304.45 Troubadours 
student life 371.89 Tusie 780.0712 
Triuridee botany 584.71 Provesyal poet. 849.1 
. . . T'rouée de Char. W. war 1914 940.4218 
I'roas ancient history 939.21 
13 : Troughs 
Trochilide ornithology 598.89 piowmodle chemistry 
Trochlear voltaic cells engin'g 
nervs anatomy i 
. physiology Trousseau grape 
nuclei . annoy Trout culture fisheries 
Trochoid joint “ fishing sports 
Troco game Trouvéres Fr. literature 
Trofic nervs music 
of skin physiology - 612.798 Trowel, garden 
physiology 612.818 Troy ancient history 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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