Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Verdun World war 1914 940.4218 | Vertical 
1915 040.4244 cases museum econ. 069.313 
1916 940.4273 files offis furniture 651.236 
1917 940.4318 storage  offis ec. 651.546 
air attack 940.446 impulse wheels 621.233 
Varga, Giovanni Ital. fic. 853.84 marine engins 621.1224 
Vergennes grape 634.847 prime astronomy $32.47 
Verification steam engins 631.11244 
music instruments 781.91 Vertigo 
of legislativ powers 328.36 diseases 
Vermelles World war 1914 940.4217 physiology 
Vermes articulates 595.1 Verumontanum  anat. 
Vermiform appendix anat.611.3452 Vervain botany 
physiol. 612.363 Very World war 1918 
surgery 617.55 Verzenay grape 
Vermifuges therapeutics 615.733 Verzy grape 
Vermilion co. Ill. history 977.365 Vesical 
Ind. « 977.246 apparatus, innervation 612.4673 
Vermondovillers W. war 1916 940. 4272 artery, inferior  anat. 611.137712 
Vermont, U. S. superior *  611.13777 
admission U. S. history 973.4r nervs * 611.839 
history 974.3 Vesicants therapeutics 615.774 
For military history, see subdi- Vesicles, seminal  anat. 611.636 
Nap PI FIs ei se Vesicular affections of skin 616.52 
973.3,973.52,973.7and 973.89 Vesle river World war 1918 940.4343 
Vernatsch grape 634.8543€ Vespers 
Vernon co. Mo. history 977-844 Anglican ritual 264.034 
1 Wis. 977-573 music 783.24 
Verona, Italy “ 945-3 Vespidae entomol. 595.798 
travels 914.53 Vespucci discov. of Amer. 973.16 
Verplanck, G. C. Am. sat. 817.23 Vessel, J. H. Norw. poetry 839.8215 
Verrazano discov.of Am. 973.18 Vessels shipbilding 623.8 
Versailles description 914.436 Vestibular 
4 history 944.36 ganglion anatomy 611.8918% 
treaty nerv anatomy  6rr.8318%¢ 
U. S. war w. Spain 973.891 nucleus “ 611.8178 
World war 940.3141 Vestibule skools economics 331.862 
$Verse, science of 416 Vestments ecclesiology 247.7 
textbooks for writ'g 426.8 Vesuvius volcanoes s§s1.ar 
SWersification Eng. prosody 426.2 Vetches 
Version obstetric opera. 618.82 botany 583.32 
Vertebrae anatomy 6rr.71rx forage crops 633.35 
Vertebral Veteran relief union,woman’s369.162 
artery anatomy 611.1349 Veterans societies 
articulations  * 611.721 association, confederate 369.173 
colum 611.711 national ass’n of naval 369.157 
Vertebrates of Mexican war 369.146 
museurn models 069.4276 regular army and navy 369.112 
paleontology 566 Spanish war 369.181 
specimens museum econ. 069.4596 union, Union 369.154 
zoology 506 U.S.army, soc. of sonsof 369.165 
Verteuil grape 634.8544 | World war 369.186 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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