Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Vinton co. O. history 977.1837 | Visigoths 
Vinyard plow 631.3127 "ancient history 936.362 
Vinyards 634.8 German “ 943.01 
Viognier grape 634.8544 Vision 
Viola stringd instruments 787.2 disorders blind asylums 362.4 
Violarie botany 583.135 diseases of eye 617.75 
Violet flowers floriculture 635.97823 mental faculty 152.1 
Violets of Isaiah  pseudepigrafa 229.913 
botany 583.135 optics 535.7 
floriculture 635.93135 organs of anatomy 611.84 
horticulture 716.2 physiology 612.84 
perfume plants 633.811 Visions and dreams 135 
root rot fungi 589.243 Visitation 
Violins stringd instrum. 487.1 and search internat. law 341.3 
Violoncello “ 787.3 pastoral 253 
Virgil Latin epic poetry 873.1 Visitations Eng. heraldry 929.726 
'Virgin ilands history 972.97 Visitors ~~ museum relations 069.625 
travels 917.297 Visits, school educ. methods 371.393 
Virgin Mary biografy 232.931 Visscher, M. T. Dut. poet. 839.31133 
doctrin 232.931 Vistula San World war 1914 940.4223 
Virginal music instrument 786.221 Visual 
Virginia, U. S. acuteness physiol. 612.84363 
British in Amer. revol. 973.3374 angle optics 535-7 
history 975.5 impressions, persistence 612.8435 
For military history, see sub- instruction education 371.335 
eT _ Sunday skools 268.635 
973 5 30 .52, 973.63, 973.7 ey. Eiysiclogy o 2.84363 
0 2 
secession U. S. history 973.713 Haceae fruit saising Mr 
Virginia Vital 
cloth manuf. 677.41643 capacity respiration 612.24 
creeper botany 583.279 fenomena biology 577 
grape 634.845109 force biology 577.6 
reel dance 793-34 functions animals 501.1 
strawberry 634.754 TOAD 6132 
West Bistony 975-4 statistics population 312 
For military nistory see oo pun, Belia 614.3 
divisions of Special campains Vitalis Swedish satire 839.7763 
od \ Miers history under Vitalism biology 577.6 
Virginity relig. asceticism 248 physiol. 612.0134 
Virginius incident U.S.hist. 973.82 Vitality zoology 591.139 
Virtues ethics 170 Vitamins 
innate Christ. doct. 234.14 food values home econ. 641.1 
Virus bee disease 638.1542 nutrition physiol. 612.39 
Viscose industry 677.463 Vitellin sac embryology 611.013812 
Viscosity of blood physiol. 612.11814 Viticulture 634.8 
Visé ~~ World war 1914 940.4211 Vitis botany 583.279 
Vis-en-Artois ~~ W. war 1918 940.4355 fruit raising 634.8 
Visibility of stars astron. 523.82 Vitreous 
Visible humor anatomy 611.8447 
speech phonology 414 eye diseases 617.74 
writing typer manuf. - 681.6122 physiology 612.8447 
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this indes 

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