elem. education 372.55
manufactures 677.02824
For process applyd to special
fiber see name of fiber
machinery 677.02854
For kind applyd to special
fiber see name of fiber
specimens museum econ. 069.477
'Webb city, Mo. history 977.8722
and Hayne debate 973.561
Daniel Am. oratory 815.27
John English drama 822.36
Noah Amer. essays 814.2%
Webster co. Ia. history 977.751
1 Mo. “ 977.882
: W.Va, “ 975.465
Waves customs 392.5
nerv, theories physiol. 612.8162 decorations floriculture 635.9653
theory of hydraulics 532.59 Wedge physics 531.86
Wax bones, carpal anat. 611.71773
bee keeping tarsal “ 611.71878
products Wedgewood ware pottery 738
fowers Weed cutters 631.3155
gourd hoe 631.3154
grafting hook 631.3155
myrtle botany Weeder 631.3154
works pub. entertain’ts Weeding 631.515
Waxhaws, N.C. Am. rev. iron 631.3154
Waxt fabrics ~~ manuf. Weeds econ. botany 581.6
Waxwing birds pests 632.58
Wayne, A. Am. rev. Week, names of days of 529.2
‘Wayne co. Ill. history Weekly half holiday, lib. 023.651
Ind. “ rest labor classes 331.817
Ia. “ Weems prehistoric arch. 571.82
Mich. “ 'Weenen division history 968.43
Mo. ‘ Weevils pests 632.76
N.Y. zoology 595.768
0. Weighing
Pa. chemistry 542.32
W.Va, devices offis fittings 651.46
Wayne's exped. U.S.hist Weight
Weak current engineering chemic apparatus 542.32
Wealth, see Welth of earth 525.11
Weaning zootechny ‘human brain physiol.612.823
Weapons, see Wepons tables zootechny 636.08181
Weasel agric. pests 632.697 throwing sport 796.38
zoology 599.7 Weights
spider zool. 595.48 and mesures metrology 389
Weather meteorology 551.8 state control 351.821
Weathering eng. materials 620.1122 | atomic theor. chem. 541.2
Weaverbirds zoology 598.81 movements horology. 681.1121
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index