Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Weise, C. German drama 832.53 
Weisnegg burners chem. 542.44 
Welding metal manuf. 671 
Welfare, public admin. 351.8 
work World war 940.477 
Welhaven, J.S.C. Norw. lit. 839.8246 
Well water hygiene 613.32 
Welland co. Ont. history 971.338 
Wellesley college . . 376.8 
Wellington co. Ont. hist. 971.342 
Wells, Carolyn Amer.humor 817.5 
H.G: Eng. fict. 823.91 
! co. Ind. history 977-272 
dredging thru foundations 721.176 
physical geografy 551.49 
sunken foundations 721.176 
water supply agric. 631.71 
engineer'g 628.11 
‘Wellsburg, W. Va. hist. 975.413 
beef cattle 
Calvinistic methodists 
discovery of America 
mountain sheep 
and rank soc. ethics 177.5 
consumption final 339.4 
productiv 331 
political economy 330 
Welthy class social classes 323.31 
Welwitschia mirabilis bot. 585.1 
Wenceslaus Ger. history 943.027 
‘Wendish languaj 491.88 
Wennerberg, G. Swed. sat. 839.7765 
Wens diseases 616.993 
Wensleydale sheep  - 636.3216 
IWentworth co. Ont. hist. 971.352 
'Wepener history 968.58 
Wepons bronze age 571.35 
customs 399 
military engin’g 623.4 
science 355 
public safety 351.753 | 
lopics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Superior fizures refer to tha tables at the end of this index 
Weirs hydraulic engin’g 
Wepons stone age 571.25 
zootechny 636.081112 
Werewolvs folklore 398.4 
Wergeland, H. Norw. poet. 839.8216 
Werner, F. L. Z. Ger.drama 832.6% 
Wernicke, C. “ satire 837.53 
Wervicq World war 1918 940.4364 
Wesleyan methodists sects 287.1 
West, Rebecca Eng. fict. 823.91 
1 Australia history 994.1 
1 Bamangwato history 968.11 
! Bay City, Mich. « 977.447 
' Coast, Africa “ 968.8 
country down sheep 636.3233 
German swine 636.433 
Goths ancient history 936.362 
Hartlepool W. war 1914 940.454 
Indian birch botany 583.247 
Indies hist. 972.9 
Danish, bo’t U Shist.973.913 
! Loangwa history 968.967 
t Meath, Ireland « 941.815 
' New Jersey = « 974.95 
travels 017.495 
Nile history 967.616 
Nyasa “ 968.972 
Point, N. Y. history 074.731 
academy 355.07 
Pondoland history 968.647 
Prussia “ 043.12 
travels 914.312 
! Russia history 947.6 
travels 914.76 
Scotch highland cattle 636.2233 
Shire history 968.977 
the history 0978 
travel 917.8 
Virginia admission 073.71 
history 075.4 

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