Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Zacatecas, Mex. history Zincs steam engineering 621.18479 
Zahlek World war 1918 Zinn’s zone  anat. 611.8442 
Zambezi basin hist. Ziphiidae 599.53 
L delta “ Zirconium  inorg. chem. 546.83 
Zamia botany Zit kwa 635.618 
Zanella, G. Ital. poetry Zither music 787.8 
Zanesville, O. history Zloczéw World war 1914 940.4225 
Zangwill, I. Eng. drama Zoantharia radiates 503.63 
fict. Zodiac astronomy 523.290 
Zanotti, F. M. Ital. essays Zodiacal light « 523.59 
‘Zanzibar, Africa history Zola, Emile Fr. fict. 843.89 
Zapupe fibers Zolkiew World war 1915 940.4253 
Zaraibi goat Zomba history 968.9775 
Zaria Nassawara hist. Zonation forest silvics 634.94825 
Zaupel sheep Zones agriculture 631.001 
Zboréw World war 1917 Zonnebeke World war 1917 940.4313 
Zealand province hist. Zoolatry 201.2124 
sheep agric Zoologic gardens 
Zebra “ architecture 727.5 
Zebroid “ museum relations 069.683 
Zebrul “ science 590.7 
en . ‘ Zoology 500 
Zechariah Bible agricultural 630.29 
Zeebrugge World war Zoophytes 503 
air attack 1916 940.446 Zoosporeze botany 589.67 
Argonne-Meuse offens.1918 940.4365 Zootechny 636.08 
German naval base 940-453 Zorah  pseudepigrafa 229.915 
naval attack 1915 940.455 Zorilla y Moral, José 861.53 
Z end Zoroaster  Parseeism 295 
Avest Persian litera. 891.52 Zouaves military science 356.16 
fq religion 295 ‘Zoutpansberg history 968.26 
anguage 491.52 Zoysicae forage crops 633.281 
Zenith telescope aston.  je2.43 Zschokke, J; H; D. Ger fic. 833.71 
Zenithal projections geod. 526.84 . ) 
Zeno, Apostolo Ital. dram. 852.55 Zululand history 968.3 
carly Greek philosofers 182.3 . travel 916.83 
stoic philosofer 188 1 Zumbini, B. Ital. essays 854.87 
Zephaniah 1Zumbo history 968.959 
P a . gs 
apocalipse pseudepigrafa 229.913 Zudis indians 970-3 
Zunu sheep 636.386 
profesy 224.96 ) . 
Zesen, P. von Ger. poetry 831.56 ‘Zurich history 949.4 
Zierfahndler grape 634.85436 travels 914.94 
Zigzags mil. engin’g 623.24 Zwinglian Protestant sects 284.2 
Zine Zygena fishes 597.31 
inorganic chemistry 546.47 Zygnema botany 589.61 
led accumulators eng.  621.35557 Zygomatic bone 611.7163 
metallurgy 669.5 muscle 611.7326 
ores economic geology 553.45 Zygomycetes fungi 589.28 
oxid of therapeutics 615.776 Zygophyllee botany 583.221 
roofs  bilding 695.4 Zygosporeae algae 589.6 
Zincografic lichens 589.27 
printing press manuf. 681.6252 Zyphoid bone 611.713 
Zincografy 767 4Zyrenian languaj 494.532 
Tonics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index

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