Full text: Relativ Subject Index (Volume 2)

Name Numbey 
A Aix 
Ba Aix2 
Bel Azz 
Boy Aig 
Ca Arg 
Caro Ai16 
Cel Arxg 
Chim A138 
Clar Arg 
Coh Ac: 
Coom Azz 
Cs Azz 
Da A2yq 
Day A-zjs 
Dick A-26 
Doy Azy 
Ea A28 
En Azg 
Fa Asx 
Fel Azz 
Fit Azz 
Table of Olin numbers 
From Library journal 18:144 
Name Number Name Number 
Forr A34 Lod As6 
Ga Ass Ma  Asy 
Ges Az6 McT As8 
Goe Azy Mat Asg 
Grat -A38 Merr A6x 
Ha  Ajg Mo  A62 
Hat Ay4x Mos A63 
Hesi Ag2 Na Abg 
Hiu  A43 Nee A6s 
Hov A444 0 A66 
I Ags Pa Aé67 
Ja A46 Per  A68 
Ji Agy Ple Aébg 
Ka A48 Q Asx 
Keno Ay49 Ra Ay2 
Klu Ast Rem Arz 
La As2 Rim Arg 
Lann As3 Rol Ars 
Le Ass Ru A76 
Lind Ass Sa Ary 
Name Numbes 
Sch  Ay8 
Scr A7y9 
Sea. AS8r 
Sia A82 
Sma A83 
Squa A84 
Sva AS8s 
Ta A86 
Thau AS87 
To A88 
Trum AS89 
U Agr 
Vv Ag2 
Wa  Aog3 
Wats Ag4 
Wha Ags 
Wit  Ag6 
X Aogy 
Y Ag8 
Z Aogg 
If Cutter-Sanborn tables (in which vowels like consonants are followd 
by figures) are used, mark collected biografy with A followd by a 
shortend Cutter-Sanborn number for author or compiler, writing the 
initial letter of the Cutter-Sanborn number with a lower case letter; e. g. 
Strickland’s Lives of the queens of England, the Cutter-Sanborn number 
for Strickland being Sg17, would be markt Asg or Johnston's Leading 
American soldiers, the number for Johnston being J73, would be Aj.

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