Baalbec ~~ ancient history 939.42
‘Babanango history 968.41
Babies, see Infants
Babism Moham. sect 297
Baboon zoology 599.82
Babrius Greek poetry 881.4
Babuna hts World war 1915 940.4256
ancient history 935.4
architecture 722.5
language, cuneiform 492.19
religion - 299.219
Baccador grape 634.8543¢
Baccalaureate sermons 252.5
colleges 378
Baccarat game 795.42
Bacchanalia soc. customs 394.1
grape 634.843209
mythology 292
Bacheller, I. A. Amer. fic. 813.5
Bachelors celibacy 176.2
Back, bursae of anatomy 611.753
Backbone anatomy 611.711
ethics 175.5
games 795.1
Backsight ordnance 623.4251
Backstitching dom. econ. 646.21
Backstrom, P. J. E. 839.7266
Bacon, Francis
British philosofers 192.1
empiricism 144
English essays 821.3
Shakspere controversy 822.33
Bacon breeds swine 636.4132
1Bacongo history 967.26
Baconian philosofy 192.1
Bacon's rebellion Va. hist. 975.5
agriculture + beneficial 631.8472
injurious 632.3
botany 589.95
fermentation 663.1
soil biology forestry 634.9472772
theory'of diseases 616.01
Bacterial diseases
bee keeping 638.1543
Bactericidal properties
blood physiology 612,118223
Bacteriology :
of intestin physiology 612.3363
saliva ® 612.31363
soil agriculture 631.46
Tormics in black face tvpe are subdivided. Sunerior
of stomach physiology 612.3263
pathology 616.01
‘Bactrian, Old language 491.52
Bactriana ancient hist. 939.64
Bad social customs hyg. 613.87
‘Baddeck, N. S. history 971.693
Baden, Germany history 943.46
Badger baiting 791.8
Badges heraldry 929.8
Badminton games 796.34
Baffin bay travels 919.8
Bag punching 796.83
1Bagamoyo hist. 967.83
Bagatel amusements 794.
LU history 956.7
World war 1915 940. 4261
1917 940.4333
Bagging manufacture 677
Baggesen, Jens Dan. poetry 839.81156
Bagirmi history 967.44
Bagot co. Que. history 971.4525
Bagpipe 788.9
agriculture 631.3731
manufacture 685.5
net manuf. 677.664
‘Bahamas history 972.96
travel 917.296
‘Bahr-el-Ghazal history 962.9
Baif, J* A. de Fr. poetry 841.36
L. de “drama 842.32
Bail criminal law 343
Bailiffs local gov't 352.2
Bailleul, France
World war 1918 Ap. 040.4342
Aug. 940.4356
Baillie, Joanna Eng. drama 822.71
Bailments 347.4
Bain automatic telegraf 621.38241
Bainsizza plateau
World war 1917
Bait for specimen collecting
‘Bakakwakwa history
Bakatla tribe 4
Bakator grape
Bakauner swine
! co. Fla. history 975.913
shorthand 653.35
Bakers’ occupation hygiene 613.64
Bakewell's Leicester sheep 636.3211
‘Bakhunu history 966.22
figures refer to the tables at the end of this index