Barclay, A. Eng. satire 827.21
Bards and minstrels
English literature
French “
German %
other literatures
Bare wire elec. engin'g
Barebones parliament
Baretti, G. Ital. satire
cherry collectiv economics
gooseberry offis econ.
Barbarians individual economics
antiquities see country offis econ.
invasion of Rome 937.09 representativ economics
N. American indians 970.1 offis econ.
prehistoric archeology 571 Barges shipbilding
S. American indians p80 Barging logging
war customs 399 Barium inorganic chem.
Barbarins sheep 636.3469 Bark books
Barbarism vs church 261.3 grafting
Barbarisms Eng. lang. 428.3 1Barka history
3 other languages travel
Barbarities, see Cruelty Barkly history
Barbary States history 061 : East history
travel 916.1 Barleux World war 1918
wars U.S. history 973.47 Barley agriculture
Barbd headed worm 595.133 botany
wire manufacture 672 brewing
Barbells athletics 796.41 'Barlin history
Barber co. Kan. history 978.182 Barlow, Joel Am. poetry
Barbera grape 634.8545 Barnacles zoology
Barberini vase pottery 738 Barns agriculture
Barberino, F. da Ital. fic. 853.12 architecture
Barberry agric. 634.746 Barnstable co. Mass. hist
botany 583.117 Baroda, India history
Barbers 391.5 Barolong tribe history
Barberton history 068.25 Barometer pneumatics
Barbet Barometric
armor shipbilding 623.9 leveling geodesy 526.37
birds 508.72 pressure mesology 612.01441
mounts ordnance 623.4332 physiol. effects 612.27
Barbézieux poultry 636.544 respiration 612.2232
Barbier, H. A. Fr. satire 847.72 Barometry hypsometry 551.53
Barbizon school painting 759.4 meteorology 551.54
Barbour, J: Eng. poetry 821.16 Baron, M. B. Fr.drama 842.48
Barbour co. W. Va. hist. 975.459 Baronage heraldry 920.7
Barbusse, H* Fr. fic. 843.91 Barcnetage # 029.7
Barcelona history 946.7 Barons war Eng. hist. 042.034
travel 914.67 Baroque style architec. 724.19
Topics in black face type are subdivided. Superior figures refer to the tables at the end of this index