Full text: Officieller General-Catalog

St N 
&6, I 
Mercantil - Bibliotheks - Gesell» 
schaft von New-York 26, 17. 
Mercantil - Bibliotheks - Verein, 
New-York 26, 17. 
Mercantil - Bibliotheks - Gesell- 
schaft, Peoria 26, 17. 
Merrel & Sonle 4, 1. 
Merrik - Bibliothek, öffentliche, 
Brookfield 26, 17. 
Methodist Book Coneern 26, 15, 
Metropolitan Washing - Machine 
Co. 13, 9. 
Michaelis & Kaskel 5, 4. 
Middleport Woolen Mills 5, 4. 
Middlesex-Handwerker- Vereing- 
bibliothek, Lowell 26, 17. 
Miller Lewis 13, 10. 
Miller Samuel A. 1,1; 13, 10. 
Mils William Henry 4, 4. 
Milton J. Hardy & Co. 4, 3. 
Milwaukee 26, 13. 
Mineral City Mining & Smelting 
Der Staat von Missouri 2, 2. 
Mitchell J. E. 9, 6. 
Mitchell & Rammelsberg Furni- 
ture Co. 7, 6. 
Mobile Cotton Exchange 2, 2. 
Mofätt & Haverstick 14, 11. 
Mohrhbardt & Robison 1, 1 
Montgomery r B. 26, 13. 
Moody 8.N. 5, 4. 
Morehead Young & Co. 4, 4. 
Morrill Ozıa & Co. 13, 9. 
Morris, Wheeler & Co. 7,5. 
Morrison er & Co. 4, 4. 
Morse Bros. 3, 
Morse Twist ben Co. 13, 10. 
Morton James 11, 7. 
Morton John B. & Co. 26, 15. 
Moser & Co. m. 11,7 
Moses B. & ©. 8 
Moulton E. $. i. 5 
The Mowry Axle and Machine 
Eo. 13, 9. 
Mudge Charles T. 13, 11. 
Munroe H. H. 2, 8. 
Muoller John M, 9, 6. 
Murdoek August J. 4, Fe: 
Myers Andrew G. 14, 
Nationalbank-Note Co, 12, 7 
Nationaler Bildungsverein 26,13. 
Nationales Erziehungs - Bureau 
26, 13. 
Nationale Lehrer 26, 14, 
National - Sonntagsschullehrer 
26, 14. 
National-Schulgeräth-Cie. 26,15, 
"Nationales Taubstummen- Colle- 
gium 26, 1£. 
National Temperance Society 
Nathan & Dreyfus 13, 10. 
Naval Observatory 26, 16. 
Nebraska, Staats - Gartenbau- 
gesellschaft 26, 16. 
Neil ©. John Mrs, 5,4, 
Newburgh Lewis & Bro, & 2% 
New-Bedford-Bibliothek, öffent- 
liche, New-Bedford 26, 17. 
New - Bridgewater - Bibliothek, 
a New-Bridgewater 
New-Britain- Institut, New-Bri- 
tain 26, 17. 
New Buryport 26, 13. 
New Buryport-Bibliothek ‚öffent- 
liche, Newburyport 26, 17. 
New-England, Landwirthschafis- 
gesellschaft 26, 16. 
New-Jersey, Staats-Landwirth- 
schaftsgesellschaft 26, 16. 
The New-Orleans Academy of 
Sciences 1, 1. 
New - Orleans Cotton Exchange 
New-Orleans Sanitary & Ferti- 
lizing Co, 2, 2. 
Newton 26, 13. 
New-York Amateur Press Asso- 
eiation 26, 13. 
New-York Blow Co. 13, 8. 
New-York Safety Steam Power 
Co. 13, 9. 
New-York Silicate Book -slate 
Cie. 26, 15. 
New-York 26, 13. 
New-York-Schul-Journal 26, 14. 
New-York, Staats - Landwirth- 
schaftsgesellschaft 26, 16. 
Br -York, Weinbauge sellschaft 
6, 16. 
Nichols F. W. 26, 13; 7, 6. 
Nichols 8. W. 26, 15. 
Nitzelnadel P. 14, 11. 
Northampton- ‚ötentl icheBiblio- 
thek 26, 17. 
Northern Dlinois, Gartenbau- 
gesellschaft 26, 16. 
Northern Pacife Railway 1, 1. 
Northern PaeifeRailwayCo. 2, 2, 
Norton Edward. 26, 13. 
Norwalk Iron Works 13, 9. 
Nye William. F. 3, 3 
Oessterle H. A. 26, 15. 
Ohio, Pomolosische Gesellschaft 
26, 16. 
Oids Frank 13, 10. 
Oleophene Oil ’'Co. a3 
Ong Thomas 4, 3, 
Osboıne & Co. D. M. 13, 8. 
Otis-Bibliotkek 26, 17. 
Paine Brothers 3, 3. 
Palm Robert 26, 15, 
Pape Brothers & Rugemaun 8,6. 
Park Bros & Co. 13, 
Peahody - Bibliothek, George» 
town 26, 17. 
Pease F. $, = 35% 
Peck P 
Pelton & Durbar 458. 
Penn D. B, 4, 3, 
Pennsylvania, Stants-Gartenbaus 
gesellschaft-26, 16; 
Nord-Amerika, 891 
Pennsylvanisches Schul-Jour- 
nal 26, 14. 
Peters Brothers 7, % 
Petersburg 26, 13. 
Philadelphia 26, 13, 
et Spiral 'Cornhusker, Co. 
3, 8 
Pleasant Valley Wine Co. 4, 4 
Pickering & Davis 13, 9. 
Pierce Newton J. & Köhert 
. Paton 26, 13; 265, 13. 
Pinckard Wm. M. 2,2% 
Pitkin Bros 13, 10. 
Pittsburg 26 13. 
Poeschel & Scherer 4, & 
Pomeroy & Plummer 5, &, 
Pork-Päckers Association 4, % 
Pope John L. 13, 10. 
Portland Packing Co, 4, &. 
Portsmouth- -Athenacum, 26,47. 
Postbehörde 26, 16. 
Post & Co. 13, 10: 
Prang L. & Co. 12, 7. 
Prany L. & Cie, 26, 15. 
& Arsen. Manufaeturiig 
o. 18, 
ee Board of Publ 
cation 26, 15. 
Prossrich & Co. 22% 
Price, Hine & Tupper 1,1. 
Probenummern von nahezu allen 
Zeitungen und Zeitschriften 
des Landes 26, 16. 
Proctor & Gamble 3, & 
Proctor Joseph 13, 9. 
Providenee Tool Co. 13,9; 16,12, 
Pumpelly Raphael 1, 1 
Raddin John 13, 8. 
en Wheel & Foundry Co, 
Randolph A. D. & Cie, 26, 15 
Ravenna 26, 14, 
Ravold Iron Co. 54. 
Raymond Joseph 2, 2 
Reck Henry 18, 12. 
Redlich Henry 13, 9. 
Redwood- Bibliothek, 26, 17. 
Reed van Deussen John 13, % 
Reffelts Hermann 26, 13, 
Reffett H. 28, 15. 
Reiher Frank Adam 7,5 
Remington E. & Sons "78, 12. 
Resor Win. & Co. 7, 
ee Boot-Heel Co, 13,9% 
RichmanHenry1, di 12,8;19, 10% 
‚Rickerson 8. B. & Co. 
Robert Carter & Brüder & 15« 
Rocher Henry 12, 
Roddy P.D. 17,1 
Rogers 0, B. & Pe 13, 10. 
J. & J. Rogers Iron Ca. 2,8 
‚Roman Charles & A. &, 9« 
Roots P.H.& RB. 13,; 10; 
‚Ross Joseph I. 26, 1% 
1 Ross Lester E, 13, 9 
'Rothwell Richard PL, 4, Be 
LRowley & Chew 12; RG 

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