Full text: Life of Thomas Telford, Civil engineer, written by himself (Haupt.)

a printer and a publisher (who have well justified his confidence), relying 
on Mr. Turrell for the more difficult task of perfecting all the copper- 
plates, and of intercourse with the tradesmen who must be employed to 
furnish materials and labour for the printe’d 1mpressions. 
As Mr. Turrell had already sent to Mr. Telford fifty-eight Proof 
impressions from copper-plates, and others were ready in lithograph, the 
latter was justified in supposing himself not precipitate in proceeding to 
print the book slowly and deliberately, with such improvements and 
additions, especially in the Appendix matter, as might occur to him. 
His arrangements as to Paper, Type and number of copies, were all 
decided by himself previously to his decease; so that his Executors 
have exercised no further discretion than in rejecting the lithographs, 
as unsuitable to the engravings which appear in the Atlas. The dimen- 
sions of this Atlas will be deemed by many too large for convenience ; 
but Mr. Telford was always favourable to a large scale, as capable of 
distinct admeasurement in all its parts, and leaving no room for doubt 
or expensive recourse to the object itself, 6f which the exact dimensions 
may be hereafter required. Profit from ptlbli(;ation was not in 
Mr. Telford’s contemplation ; he anticipated a very different result, 
and herein his Executors have gone as far as was deemed justifiable 1n 
fulfilling the known intentions and expectation of the deceased. 
After Mr. Telford’s death, Mr.Turrell, no doubt, made some progress 
in perfecting the plates of which he had furnished proofs to Mr. Telford, 
and employed his establishment in commencing the rest ; but, unfor- 

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