Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

high speeds the author prefers a decidedly heavy trolley 
wire and would not hesitate in this case to employ No. ooo 
or No. oooo trolley wire, putting the remainder of the cop- 
per in two cables of about 450,000 c. m. each. 
These feeders may be well arranged as shown in the 
dotted lines of Fig. 59, one of them being carried righton 
to B the other being tapped into the trolley wire at a few 
points, ‘The station A is capable of taking care at the in- 
creased voltage on a long stretch of the trolley wire with- 
out any taps from the feeder, since a No. oooo wire has 
high carrying capacity. ‘Transposing one of our stock 
c.m. E 
and assuming one hundred volts drop, a No. oooo wire can 
carry one hundred amperes a distance of over three miles 
unaided. ‘T'he main precaution that has to be taken is to 
make sure that when a load at B is forcing the boosting 
system to its full voltage, a car may not be caught on a 
dangerously high voltage near the station. Perhaps the 
simplest way of avoiding this contingency is to cut the 
trolley wire at some point like*C and feed the section next 
the station direct from the generator without the inter- 
vention of the booster. If the conductivity of the trolley 
wire is needed up to this point for the general transmission 
it is easy to reinforce the feeders between A and C by an 
equivalent amount. The exact treatment of such a case 
must be determined by the relative amounts of true inter- 
urban and terminal traffic. 
If the problem we have been considering had not in- 
volved considerable local work at B, but only interurban 
work up to that point, it perhaps would have been better to 
operate the line at 1000 volts, using two motors in series. 
This procedure would have been feasible if there were, as 
often happens, an independent railway system at B. It 
probably would not be often desirable to continuea 1000 volt 
system through a city for general service, and in the ab- 
sence of a substation or a local system there is no good 

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