Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

taken to carry the wires clear of other circuits, arranging 
guard wires for their mutual protection whenever they can 
do good. If the circuit runs through a wooded region the 
branches of trees and all dead wood should be cleared away 
so that nothing can sway against or fall upon the trans- 
mission wires. ‘The wire itself should be jointed when nec- 
essary with unusual thoroughness, and should be inspected 
at the original joints if such there are. It is one advan- 
tage of bare wire, that there is no covering to hide careless 
joints. 'The line as a whole should be easily reached for 
inspection or possible repairs. If it does not run along 
the track it should follow a public road or good pathway 
so that any point can be quickly reached by wagon or 
Up to this point we have been dealing with principles 
common to all alternating transmission systems irrespec- 
tive of particular characteristics. As a matter of fact or- 
dinary single phase alternators are seldom used at present 
for transmission purposes. Although the single phase 
alternator is, like other dynamos, reversible and can readily 
be used as a motor, inability to start as a motor is per- 
haps its best known characteristic. This makes it singu- 
larly inconvenient for most purposes, and while the diffi- 
culty can be overcome by using induction instead of 
synchronous motors, single phase induction motors are 
not satisfactory for large powers and cause a heavy induct- 
ance on the line that is troublesome in more ways than 
one. : 
For railway distribution it is at present generally nec- 
essary to convert the transmitted energy at the substation 
into the form of continuous current. The means taken to 
do this are quite various, but they all involve the starting 
of rotary apparatus, virtually of motors, whatever their 
function may be ultimately. So the problem of utilizing 
an alternating transmission for railway purposes begins 
with the task of starting a synchronous alternating motor. 
There have been many ingenious plans devised for this 
purpose, some of them depending on the action of a com- 

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