Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

All these facts point to the desirability of developing 
polyphase work in the direction of fast interurban service 
and heavy long distance work rather than toward ordinary 
street railway equipment. In the former the polyphase 
system is at its best, its many good features are thoroughly 
available and its disadvantages are minimized. 
Nevertheless the abolition of the commutator is so de- 
sirable that therc is a strong tendency to work polyphase 
apparatus for ordinary purposes, and it is noteworthy that 
the first polyphase electric road to be put in operation be- 
longs distinctively to the class of street railways. This 
very important piece of pioneering work was carried out 
a few months since by the famous firm of Brown, Boveri 
& Company, at Lugano, Italy. 
TLugano is a fine prosperous town situated on the lake 
of the same name at the foot of the Italian Alps. A water- 
fall a little more than seven miles away furnishes power 
for lighting the town, and is now utilized for the railway 
as well. 'The road runs for the most part along the lake 
front on each side of the town. It has a totallength of al- 
most exactly three miles, and its general situation is shown 
on the sketch map (Fig. 100). There are only moderate 
grades of about three per cent except for three short 
pitches of six per cent. ; 
At the power station is a 300 h. p., horizontal turbine 
direct connected by a flexible coupling to a 150 k. w., three 
phase generator. This machine is of the inductor station- 
ary armature type generally advantageous for high volt- 
ages and is wound to give directly 5000 volts between 
lines at 40 ~. 'The exciter armature is carried directly on 
the main shaft so that the generator is quite self contained. 
Its speed is 600 r. p. m. 
The line is of three wires each about No. 4 B. & S 
gauge, and leads at present to a single transformer station 
on the southern edge of the town not far from the middle 
of the line. 'The three phase transformer here located re- 
duces the voltage to 400 volts which is the working press- 
ure between the conductors.

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