Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

is to be carried toward the higher limits mentioned extra 
large motors should always be used. 
Figs. 109 and 110 show motors especially planned for 
interurban and similar work. ‘They are of the usual Gen- 
eral Electric and Westinghouse types respectively and may 
be classified as of forty to fifty horse power. They are fully 
up to the speeds and loads needed for heavy interurban serv- 
ice and are coming into extensive use for this purpose. In 
general construction and arrangement they are closely sim- 
ilar to the standard street car motors of the same makes, 
and are habitually worked with series parallel control, 
FIG. I09. 
which may properly be considered a necessity for economi- 
cal operation. ‘The saving by such control in interurban 
work is, of course, less than usual, since the motors are in 
parallel most of the time, but the device is very necessary 
to bring the speed within reasonable limits in running 
through towns. 
Except for the unusual size of the motors and the gen- 
eral use of power brakes there is little peculiar in the car 
equipment necessary for interurban work. The trolley and 
its connections are quite as usual and the method of oper- 
ation is unchanged. 
The trolley wire, too, is of the same character and sus- 
pended in the same way as for ordinary street railway work. 

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