Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

tographs of the experimental section of track on ILong Is- 
land. The apparatus here was on a considerable scale, as 
high speed was attempted, without however, conspicuous 
Nevertheless, a glance at the cuts shows how readily 
and neatly the system can be applied to cross country roads 
with light cars operated at very moderate speeds. Under 
these circumstances the upper supporting structure having 
FIG. I16. 
little strain upon it can be light and cheap, while a mere 
row of short posts rising just far enough from the ground 
to assist in the grading may serve to carrya light but rather 
deep girder rail,quite strong enough for the traffic. The rails 
would serve admirably as conductors since even a fifteen 
pound rail is far more than the equivalent of the copper 
required and the lower rail being off the ground would be 
little troubled by snow in winter. ‘The supply of power is 
thus very easy and simple and the cost of grading is in 
great measure averted. 
Another construction which can be carried out very 
cheaply on the scale necessary for cross country roads is 
the saddleback railway. The Meigs elevated structure is 

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