Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

shown in section by Fig. 122, and an elevation of a single 
shoe in Fig. 123. 
The supply rail weighs ninety-four pounds per yard 
and is of rather odd shape, to secure sufficient weight 
without making the rail too high, and to shelter the in- 
sulating blocks. ‘The shoes are a little more than one rail 
length apart, and are supported, as shown in Fig. 123, by a 
double toggle joint having a rather limited play. The 
weight of the shoe, about twenty pounds, is enough to 
give good contact. 
FIGS. 122 AND I23. 
The return circuit is, of course, through the track 
rails, which weigh about ninety pounds per yard, and are 
thoroughly bonded with short lengths of copper cable. As 
a matter of fact, during some weeks of successful operation 
the bonding was incomplete, and contact was furnished by 
the fishplates at many of the joints. The system has now 
been working several months with entire suceess. The 
cars, which run over the entire Nantasket Beach road, are, 
of course, equipped with an overhead trolley as wellas with 
the contact shoes, and from Nantasket Junction to the 
Pemberton terminus the overhead trolley line is in use. 
A KA 1 A AL S e 

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