Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

tion with this class of work on account of its great con- 
venience in the matter of insulation, ease of placing, and 
elimination of the bonding difficulty. Its net cost is about 
the same as that of a steel third rail. 
One of the standard open cars of the Nantasket Beach 
line is shown in Fig 125. Each has sixteen seats and will 
accommodate fully one hundred passengers. Sixteen of 
these are fitted up as motor cars and similar cars are used 
FIG. 125 
as trailers. Each motor car is fitted with two G. E. 2000 
motors of the type shown in Fig. 126 arranged for series- 
parallel control. The cars are fitted with air brakes and air 
whistle, the air being pumped into a tank by a motor auto- 
matically controlled by the pressure. ‘The motors are good 
for over a hundred horse power each at full field, and on the 
straight level stretch in the middle of the Nantasket Beach 
line a speed of more than seventy miles per hour has been 
reached. Atsuch a speed the motion is quite smooth and 
the great speed cannot be realized except by timing the 

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