Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

advantageous, but intrinsically, under the necessary con- 
ditions of frequent stopping and starting, heavy loads of 
acceleration and large power units, there is very small 
reason for abandoning the continuous current motor. If 
the conditions of distribution demand high voltage feeders, 
however, a polyphase motor system can be made to meet 
fully the conditions of service. 
Aside from elevated service the most promising field 
for heavy electric traction is in those special cases where 
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the abolition of the steam locomotive is in itself desirable 
quite apart from the question of saving. Such cases are 
plentiful enough, particularly in tunnels and large terminal 
work in cities. The time is near when cities will defend 
themselves by legislative enactment against the well nigh 
intolerable nuisance of scores of smoking locomotives, 
polluting the air and distributing cinders with lavish pro- 
fusion. While there was no practical means of avoiding the 
trouble it was endured, but with the means at hand the 
people are likely at any time to ‘‘ get up and biff you,”’ as 
the phenomenon was happily described by a certain distin- 
guished politician lately released from the penitentiary. 

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