Full text: Power distribution for electric railroads

prove convenient. If any extensions are contemplated, as 
at K, H, dot them in as they will enter into subsequent cal- 
culations. As shown, E H is supposed to be 5000 ft. 
Now divide the road into sections so that in each one of 
them the service shall be under ordinary conditions fairly 
constant. For example, the main double track would 
present tolerably uniform conditions throughout and could 
be considered as a single section. Owing to the change in 
direction at B, however, which might conceivably affect 
the location of the power station, it is better to take A B as 
one section and BD as a separate one. CE, the long 
single track branch, will naturally form a third section; 
while H E may be taken tentatively as a fourth. 
Step 2. Now as to the loads upon each section. The 
number of cars on a road, of course, depends entirely on the 
trafic. 'With the advantage of a good population to draw 
upon, such a line as we are considering might operate as 
many as twenty motor cars. These would naturally be six- 
teen or cighteen foot, single truck cars, probably the latter. 
We may then assume, say, ten such cars on section A B, 
six on B D and four on C E. Those on C E in the natural 
course of events would run quite independently, simply 
serving their own line. We can then assume as the total 
load twenty eighteen foot cars, each equipped with a pair 
of standard motors, such as are usually rated at twenty- 
five horse power each. The power required to operate 
these cars is, of course, exceedingly dependent on the 
density of the traffic. So long however as the cars are 
equally loaded the center of gravity of the system is quite 
independent of the absolute amount of horse power re- 
quired for each car. Recurring now to the theorems re- 
garding center of gravity in Chap. I, we are in a position 
to determine the best position for the power station. The 
only question to be first decided is what is to be done 
with respect to the proposed extension. If it is installed 
as an extension of C K, probably two additional cars would 
be needed. 
Step 3. As the service on each section is uniform the 

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