Full text: Chemie der organischen Farbstoffe

Absorption 3, 8, 15. 
—, Messung der 9. 
Absorptions-bande 4, 8. 
— konstante 11. 
—molare 11, 14. 
—spektrum 3. 
Aceanthren-chinon 185. 
— grün 185. 
Acenaphthen 23. 
Acet-essigsäure-anilid 37, 
—fluorescein 97. 
Acetin-blau (B) 131. 
Acetindulin R (M) 131. 
Aceton 7. 
Acetopurpurin 8 B (A) 63. 
Acidolchromfarbstoffe (t. 
M.) 56. 
Acridin 108. 
—, Konstitution des 151. 
—farbstoffe 151. 
— gelb (L) 152. 
—orange NO (L) 153. 
— — BR (L) 153. 
—rot 76. 
—chinonhydrazone 42. 
Adsorption 14. 
Aldehydgrün 93. 
Algol-blau C (By) 185. 
—gelb GW (By) 179. 
—gelb 3G (By) 179. 
—orange R (By) 180. 
— rosa R (By) 179. 
— rot B (By) 180. 
—scharlach G (By) 179. 
Alizarin 1, 158, 161, 162, 
— Nr. I (M) 166. 
— Nr.I extra (By) 166. 
— GI 166. 
— S (By) 174. 
— SDG (M) 166. 
— SS 174. 
Alizarin SSS 174. | Alizarinlack, Konstitution 
— XD (By) 166. | des 161. 
— VI (B) 166. | —marron (B) 171. | 
— Nr: 6 (M) 166. | — orange 170. | 
—, Darstellung des 16. — — G (M) ı7l. | 
—, Sulfosäuren des 173. | —purpurin (By) 166. | 
Alizarin-astro)l B (By) | -—-reinblau B (By) 176. | 
176: | —rot JWS (M) 174. 
--hlau LZEfE ı —rubinol (By) 176. 
— — B(M) 171. | —saphirol (B) (By) 175. 
— —S (B) 1722. — schwarz P (M) 172. 
— — SW (B) 172. — — 8 (B) 173. 
— — XA (B) 1722. — — S$ (M) 172. 
— —sulfosäure 172. — — WX extra 173. 
— —grün 172. Alkali-blau 93. 
— bordeaux B (By) 167. |, —schmelze der Sulfo- 
—braun 170. säuren 23. 
—carbonsäure 165. — violett 90. 
—chinolin 171. Altrotverfahren 165. 
—ceyanin G (By) 170. Amaranth 53, 9. | 
— — G extra (By) 170. | Amethystviolett (K) 128. | 
— — 68 (By) 170. Amidogallaminblau 116. | 
— — R 1%. Amidogelb E (M) 31. | 
— — R (By) 167. Amine, Kupplung mit 42. | 
— — R extra 162, 170. | Aminierung 23. 
— — RR (By) 170. Amino-acenaphthen-thio- 
— — WRB (By) 170. naphthenindigo 223. 
— — WRER 162, 170. ß-Amino-alizarin 171. 
— —grün E (By) 176. — —-anthrachinon 174. 
—direktblau EB (M) 176. | — —-anthrachinon- 
— —grün G (M) 176. aldehyd 179. 
— — violett R (M) 176. | Amino-azine 120. 
—emeraldol (By) 176. — azobenzol 46, 48. 
—gelb A (B) 173. o-Amino-azobenzol 50. 
— C (B) 173. p-Amino-azobenzol 49, 50. 
— 655. Aminoazo-farbstoffe 49. 
— GG (M) 55. — verbindungen, Konsti- 
— R (M) 55. tution der 44. 
— in Teig (M) 241. Amino-gruppe 6. 
—granat R (M) 171. —- gruppe, externe 65, 145. 
— grün 172. —mandelsäure 198. 
— grünsulfosäure 172. —naphthole 45. 
—indigblausulfosäure —-naphtholsulfosäuren 36. 
172. —naphtholsulfosäure H 
—indigo G (By) 222. 54. 
— —3R (By) 223. —naphtholsulfosäure K 
—irisol (By) 176. 54. 

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