Full text: [A to Belgiojo'so] (Vol. 1)

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Hondschooten. He was first lieutenant in 1800, but 
on account of the unhappy capitulation at Lauen- 
burg, found it advisable to leave Hanover, and came 
to England. Here he was made commander of the 
first light battalion in the German Legion (1803). 
In 1808 he assisted, as general of brigade, in 
covering the retreat of General Moore to Corunna, 
and in the following year commanded the troops 
stationed in Sussex. In 1811, he took part, under 
‘General Beresford, in the siege of Badajoz and the 
battle of Albuera, and in the following year was 
promoted ' by the Duke of Wellington. In almost 
all the engagements of the Spanish war of libera- 
tion—at Salamanca, Vittoria, the Pyrences, Nivelle, 
Nive, Orthez, Toulouse, &c., A. took a prominent 
part, and had the command of a corps of 30,000 
men, stationed near Madrid, in 1812. He fought 
with great distinction at Quatre-Bras and at 
‘Waterloo, where he was severely wounded ; his 
efforts greatly contributed to the decision of the 
battle. After his return to Hanover, he was made 
minister of war, and in this capacity died, April 
£0, 1840. 
A'LTENBURG, the capital of the duchy of 
Saxe-Altenburg, is situated in a fertile country 
about 24 miles from Leipsic, and contains 16,000 
inhabitants. Standing on an almost perpendicular 
rock of porphyry, the old castle of A. forms a 
:striking feature i the landscape. Its foundations 
are probably as old as the 11th c. It is remarkable 
as the scene of the historical incident known as the 
Prinzenraub (q. v.). Brushes, gloves, and cigars are 
among the chief manufactures carried on in A., and 
-the book-trade is considerable. A railway connects 
it with Leipsic and Bavaria. 
A'LTENGAARD, or ALTEN, a seaport town in 
the province of Finmarken, Norway, situated at the 
mouth of the river Alten, in lat. 69° 55 N., and 
long. 23° 4 . Beyond this point, no cultivation is 
attempted ; and even here, potatoes and barley alone 
are produced. A. has a harbour and considerable 
trade. It is visited principally by Russian and 
Norwegian vessels. 
pilgrimage not far from the Inn, is situated in one 
of the most beautiful and fertile plains of Upper 
Bavaria. It is frequented by thousands of Roman 
Catholics from Austria, Bavaria, and Swabia, on 
account of a famous image of the Virgin Mary 
(the © Black Virgin’) which it possesses, and may 
be called the Loretto of Germany. The Redemp- 
torist fathers, who were invited hither in 1838, 
have built an educational institution, which may 
be held as a.virtual revival of the old Jesuit col- 
lege erected in 1773. A. was originally a villa regia. 
Beveral German emperors, such as Henry III. and 
Henry IV., held their court here. The emperor 
Leopold I., and other princes of the House of 
Hapsburg, made pilgrimages to it. It also con- 
tains the tomb of Count Tilly, who was buried 
here, at his own request. This tomb is called Tilly’s 
Chapel, and is held in such high veneration, that 
Maximilian I., and numerous other princes and 
princesses of the Bavarian family, have had their 
hearts interred in it. 
A'LTERATIVES, in Medicine, a term applied to 
remedies that have the power of changing the state 
of the living solids of the body, and consequently 
altering the functions which they perform. It is 
generally applied, however, to medicines which are 
mrritant 1 full doses, but which almost imperceptibly 
alter disordered actions or secretions; acting speci- 
ally on certain glands, or upon absorption in general, 
when they are given in comparatively small doses, 
the treatment being continued for a considerable 
length of time. For example, mercury is an irritant 
in some of its preparations ; but when small doses of 
blue pill, Plummer’s pill, or corrosive sublimate are 
given at intervals for some length of time, they pro- 
duce alteration in disordered actions, so as to cause an 
improvement in the nutrient and digestive functions, 
the disappearance of eruptions, and the removal of 
thickening of the skin or of other tissues’ (Royle) ; 
and they will effect these changes without otherwise 
affecting the constitution or inducing salivation. So 
iodine, also an irritant in concentrated doses, and 
poisonous in some forms, is most useful, when given 
in small doses, in effecting the removal of enlarged 
glandular organs, and need not cause iodism, if 
carefully given. 
The preparations of gold are likewise stimulants 
of the absorbents, and are used in cases of scrofula. 
Some preparations of arsenic are powerful A. in cases 
of skin-disease. So also are the decoctions of the 
woods and their substitutes, such as decoction of 
sarsaparilla, and the like, which, when taken in large 
quantities of water, must operate partly by their 
diluting and solvent properties, and partly by the 
stimulant effect of the active principles of the 
several ingredients in these diet-drinks, conveyed 
into the capillaries. 
It will be seen, therefore, that the term A. rather 
implies the method in which some drugs are admin- 
istered, than any special alterative action possessed 
by them. The most useful, it may be added, are 
also the most dangerous in unskilled hands. 
ALTE'RNATE, in Botany. See LEAVES. 
ALTHZA'A. See MarsH Marrows and Horry- 
A'LTITUDE, in Astronomy, is the height of a 
heavenly body above the horizon. It is measured, 
not by linear distance, but by the angle which a line 
drawn from the eye to the heavenly body makes 
with the horizontal line, or by the arc of a vertical 
circle intercepted between the body and the horizon. 
Altitudes are taken in observatories by means of a 
telescope attached to a graduated circle (see CIRCLE), 
which is fixed vertically. The telescope being 
directed towards the body to be observed, the angle 
which it makes with the horizon is read off the 
graduated circle. The A. thus observed must 
receive various corrections—the chief being for 
parallax (q. v.) and refraction (q. v.)—in order to get 
the true A. At sea, the A. is taken by means of a 
sextant (q. v.), and then it has further to be cor- 
rected for the dip of the visible horizon below the 
true horizon (see Horizox). The correct determina- 
tion of altitudes is of great importance in most of 
the problems of astronomy and navigation. See 
MENT consists essentially of a vertical circle with its 
telescope so arranged as to be capable of being 
turned round horizontally to any point of the 
compass. It thus differs from a Transit Circle (q. v.), 
which is fixed in the meridian. See AZIMUTH. 
A'LTO (contralto deciso) is the deepest or lowest 
species of musical voice in boys, in eunuchs, and 
best of all in females, where its beauty of tone 
gives it the preference. This quality of the human 
voice has been too much neglected by modern com- 
posers and singing-masters. The powers of expres- 
sion which it possesses are quite peculiar, and 
cannot be supplied by any other kind of voice. Its 
tone-character (timbre) is serious, spiritual, tender, 
and romantic. The low A. in particular has a fulness 
of tone combined with power in the lower range. No 
other voice expresses so decidedly dignity, greatness, 
and religious resignation: it can also represent 
youthful manly power as well as romantic heroism. 
The high A. has generally the same rall'xpge of 

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