Full text: [A to Belgiojo'so] (Vol. 1)

work, The Art of Preserving Health, a didactic 
poem in blank verse, extending through four books, 
appeared in 1744. 1In 1746 he was appointed physi- 
cian to the hospital for sick and lame soldiers. In 
1751 he published a volume on Benevolence; in 
1753, a poetical epistle on Zaste; and in 1758, a 
volume of prose essays of no great merit. In 1760 
he was appointed physician to the forces in Germany. 
In 1761 appeared from his pen Day, @ Poem. On 
the peace in 1763, he returned to London, and 
resumed practice. In 1771 he made a continental 
tour with Fuseli, the painter, an account of which he 
published, with the title of 4 Short Ramble through 
some Parts of France and Italy, by Lancelot Temple, 
Hsq. His last work was a volume of medical essays. 
He contributed to Thomson’s Castle of Indolence the 
four stanzas at the end of the first part, descriptive 
of the diseases resulting from sloth. Died 7th Sep- 
tember 1779. A. was the friend of Thomson, Mallet, 
Aaron Hill, Dr Young, Wilkes, and the principal 
wits and literary men of the period. He seems to 
have been a reserved, indolent, and splenetic man, 
¢ who quite detested talk ;> kind-hearted withal, and 
of frugal habits, having left £3000, saved out of a 
small and precarious income. His fame rests entirely 
on The Art of Preserving Health, his other works 
being now only known by name. 
A'RMSTRONG, JoHN, an eminent physician and 
medical writer, was born 8th May 1784, at Ayres 
Quay, near Bishop- Wearmouth, where his father was 
the superintendent of some glassworks. He studied 
medicine at the university of Edinburgh, and in 
June 1808 took the degree of M.D. He commenced 
practice at Bishop-Wearmouth, and in 1811 was 
chosen physician to the infirmary at Sunderland. 
In 1816 he published a work on 7phus, which 
greatly extended his reputation. His researches 
concerning the causes and phenomena of febrile dis- 
eases having made his name well known in the 
metropolis, he was induced, in February 1818, to 
remove to London, where his practice became exten- 
sive, and he was elected physician to the Fever 
Hospital. In 1821, in concert with Mr Edward 
Grainger, he established a medical school in Webb 
Street, Borough, where he lectured on the practice 
of physic. He also delivered a course of lectures 
on Materia Medica. In 1826 he joined Dr Boot 
and Mr E. Bennett in establishing a new school of 
medicine in Dean Street, Soho, but shortly after 
relinquished his connection with it. He died of con- 
sumption, 12th December 1829, aged 45. Exclusively 
devoted to the duties of his profession, Dr A. was 
very successful in the elucidation of medical science. 
His works are numerous, and he contributed various 
papers to the medical journals. His lectures, 
inserted in the Lancet in 1825, were published in a 
separate form after his death, with the following 
title, Lectures on the Morbid Anatom Y, N ature, and 
Treatment of Acute and Chronic Diseases, by the late 
John Armstrong, M.D. Edited by Joseph Riz—one 
of his pupils. (London, 1834, 8vo.) 
A'RMSTRONG, Str WirLiam GEORGE, noted for 
various mechanical inventions, and particularly that 
of a gun of extraordinary power and precision, was 
born in 1810 at Newcastle, where his father wag an 
eminent corn-merchant, and in 1851 filled the office 
of mayor. A.was educated at the school of Bishop- 
Auckland ; but his peculiar mental powers were 
chiefly cultivated by the opportunities which his 
father’s tastes gave him at home, of acquainting 
himself with chemistry, electricity, and mechanics. 
Though the natural bent of his mind was to some 
profession in which these sciences would have been 
available, he readily yielded to his father’s wishes, 
and was articled to Mr Armourer Donkin, an 
eminent solicitor in Newecastle, who, at the expira- 
tion of his time, adopted him as a partner. A high 
sense of duty enabled A. to give his excellent general 
powers of mind to business ; but he devoted much of 
his leisure to his favourite pursuits, and his inventive 
faculty was constantly active. About 1838, observing 
one day a little stream descending along a height near 
Newecastle, and driving but a single mill, he thought 
to how much more purpose it might be applied 
hydraulically, and thus was led into a course of 
experimenting, which resulted in his producing a 
much improved hydraulic engine, of which a descrip- 
tion was given in the Mechanics Magazine for 
April 18, 1840.  Following up this invention with a 
view to practical applications, he gave to the world, 
in 1845, a hydraulic crane, which has proved to be of 
eminent utility in raising weights at harbours and in 
warchouses. The discovery of electricity in steam by 
a workman at a fixed engine on the Cramlington 
Railway in 1840, had meanwhile led A. into a new 
path, and in 1842 he brought to perfection an appa- 
ratus for producing electricity from steam, which 
was soon after introduced into the Polytechnic In- 
stitution in London. The evolution of the electricity 
depending in reality on the friction sustained by 
the small quantity of water which accompanies the 
steam in its discharge, the great merit of A.’s inven- 
tion in this case lay in the form he gave the orifice 
through which the steam passed. A friend, writing 
of A. at this time, remarked that he ought to have 
been an engineer, so great evidently were his talents 
for mechanical science. ‘Plain, simple, and unassum- 
ing, no one at first sight could form any idea of the 
depth of thought and vast amount of scientific 
knowledge which he possesses, and which are accom- 
panied by a straightforwardness and consistency 
truly admirable’ A change of profession was in 
such a case inevitable, and few were surprised when, 
soon after being elected a member of the Royal 
Society in 1846, A., in conjunction with some 
friends, commenced the Elswick Engine-works. 
This establishment is upon a large scale, hitherto 
chiefly employed in producing hydraulic cranes, 
engines, accumulators, and bridges, for use in Great 
Britain, the continent, and India, but now embracing 
also works for the production of ordnance for the 
service of the government. 
In 1854, while war was raging in the Crimea, the 
War-office was solicited by many inventors to make 
trial of new forms of cannon and projectiles. Mr 
Armstrong, one of the number, attracted the atten- 
tion of the authorities, and was employed to make 
explosive apparatus for blowing up the ships sunk 
at Sebastopol. This led him soon afterwards to 
consider improvements in ordnance, and he devised 
a form of breech-loading cannon, combining many 
peculiarities in structure and action. He received 
encouragement to make a few field-pieces on his 
new method. He made lengthened experiments on 
the strength of iron and steel, on the relative merits 
of cast and wrought iron, on the best number of 
grooves in rifling, on the best pitch or twist for these 
grooves, on the most convenient modes of loading at 
the breech of the gun, on the mechanism for lessen- 
ing the recoil, on the best form and structure of 
shot and shells, and on the fuses best suited for 
igniting the shells during their flight. 
Most of the early experiments were made with 
guns throwing 6-1b. and 18-1b. shot and shells, and 
subsequently 32-Ib. shells, and this larger gun may 
be taken as a type of the whole. It is built up 
with small pieces of the very best wrought-iron, to 
avoid flaws or faults, and to insure strength, light- 
ness, and durability. It is made in 3-feet lengths. 
Bars of wrought-iron, 2 inches wide, are heated 
to whiteness, twisted spirally round a steel bar or 

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