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core, and welded ; other bars are twisted over these
in a similar way, but with an opposite turn of the
spiral; a third, and perhaps a fourth coating follow,
according to the thickness and strength needed.
Another heating to whiteness precedes a thorough
welding of all the layers of bars by a steam-hammer.
The ends of two of these 3-feet pieces are then nicely
trimmed and adjusted, placed in contact, and bound
together by the enormous pressure of a wrought-iron
ring shrunk on while at a white heat. By varying
the number and length of these sections, a gun of
any length is made. The internal core is then
removed, and the bore of the gun is rifled by
exquisite machinery. The rifle-grooves are sc small
and close as to be upwards of 40 in number ; their
pitch or twist is such as to make a complete circuit
in a gun 10 feet long. The breech of the gun is
wholly distinet, and constructed in a different way ;
it can be drawn backward by unscrewing, and has a
hole through its centre for introducing the shot or
shell and the charge. At first, the inventor adopted
a steel interior for his gun ; but now he relies wholly
on the toughest wrought-iron. The projectile
employed with this gun may be solid shot, shell,
case-shot, or canister-shot ; but the shell is that to
which most interest is attached. It is about three
diameters in length ; and thus a 32-1b. shot or shell
can be fired from a gun of much smaller caliber than
if it were spherical. The shell is built up of about
50 separate pieces of cast-iron, very accurately
fitbed, and enveloped in an iron sheath. Outside of it
are two bands of lead, soft enough to be forced into
the rifled grooves of the gun, and thus to acquire
the rotatory movement by which the straightness of
flight is so much insured.
The actual results obtained by a gun such as is
above described are almost incredible. An ordinary
long 32 pounder weighs 57 cwt.; Armstrong’s 32
pounder weighs 26 cwt. The former requires 10 Ib. of
})owdor as a charge; for the latter 5 lb. will suffice.
The former will send a shot or shell 3000 yards ;
the range of the latter exceeds 9000 yards, or 51
miles. One particular A. gun has been fired 3500
times without exhibiting any flaw or failing—a feat
never before even approached in gunnery. At 4000
yardsy’ distance, a target 9 feet square can be hit
90 times out of 100. At 1000 yards’ distance, the
A. gun will hit every #ime an object so small as to be
missed 56 times out of 57 by an ordinary 32 pounder,
fired by the same gunner in the two cases. The
fuses attached to the shells are so exquisitely
adjusted that the shell can be made to burst either
directly on leaving the gun, or half way on its path,
or when it strikes an object; in the last-named case,
even a sack of shavings will afford the necessary
concussion ; and yet, so close is the structure, that
an uncharged shell has been fired completely through
9 feet of solid oak without the pieces separating.
For naval use, the small diameter of:the gun will
allow small port-holes to be used, and thus lessen the
danger to which the seamen-gunners are exposed. The
gun-carriages, for ship or garrison use, have a sloping
slide on which the gun runs up to lessen the recoil,
and down which it runs again by its own gravity
after firing. The shells to be directed against a ship
are so formed, and provided with fuses of such a
kind, as to explode exactly when striking the hull,
and when the rent made will be most mischievous.
Although. the wonderful effects of the A.
gun relate chiefly to the 32 pounder, the principal
experimental researches were made with one much
smaller, but not less worthy of admiration. It had
a bore of only 1% inch, and was light enough to be
lifted about (without its carriage) by two or three
men. It had eight spiral grooves, making one turn
in 12 feet. When fired at a timber butt measuring
7 feet by 5, at 1500 yards’ distance, this little gun
propelled shot which hit the butt nearly every time,
the average deviation from the centre of the butt
being little more than 1 foot laterally ; whereas an
ordinary brass 6 pounder, which affords the nearest
parallel as to weight, is perfectly useless at 1500
yards, and nearly so at 1000. At one particular eleva-
tion, the Armstrong shot, barely 2 inches in diameter,
took the amazing flight of 3000 yards. The 32-
pounder gun introduced many improvements on this
little 6 pounder; and the inventor established
the bases for further improvements in still larger
specimens—up to 100 pounders, if needed.
When Mr Armstrong had spent much of his time
and thoughts during four years on this subject, the
government, supported by the strongly expressed
opinions of artillery officers of all ranks, proposed to
secure the result of these experiments for the nation.
Mr Armstrong offered to the government, without
any stipulation, not only all his past inventions, but
also all such as he might hereafter discover. This
led to arrangements which the ministers in parlia-
ment characterised as liberal and patriotic on his
part; and the terms thus suggested by Mr Arm-
strong were accepted. An office was created for
him, that of Chief-engineer of Rifled Ordnance, for
seven years provisionally ; and a certain amount of
salary was determined on, in consideration at once
of his past inventions and of his future services.
‘Working arrangements have been organised at New-
castle-on-Tyne and Woolwich, which will render
possible the production of many hundred guns per
annum. Sir W. G. Armstrong (the honour of knight-
hood having been conferred on the inventor by the
Queen) has pointed out reasons why foreign govern-
ments must necessarily be, for a lengthened period,
unable to surmount the extreme mechanical diffi-
culties of the manufacture of these guns.
EVAL, and MopERN) and to BriTisE ArMY for brief
historical notices of national military forces, and
leaving to other portions of this work all details
concerning the formation and tactics of such forces,
it may be well to mention here certain distinctions
in the application of the name A. A Covering 4. is
encamped or in cantonments, for the protection of
the different passes or roads which lead to the town
or other place to be protected. A Siege A. is
ranged around or in front of a fortified place, to
capture it by a regular process of besieging. A
Blockading A., either independent of or auxiliary
to a siege A., is intended to prevent all ingress
and egress at the streets or gates of a besieged place.
An A. of Observation takes up an advanced posi-
tion, and by celerity of movement keeps a close
watch on all the manceuvres of the enemy. An
A. of Reconnaissance has a more special duty at a
particular time and place, to ascertain the strength
and position of the enemy’s forces. A Flying A.
comprises a strong body of horse and foot, moving
quickly from place to place, to alarm the enemy,
and to protect garrisons. Any one of these may be
forced into an engagement in the field ; but they
are all more or less subsidiary to the Main A.,
by which the greater operations in the field are
usually conducted.
the operations connected with the raising, clothing,
paying, maintaining, and controlling of the British
army, are included in the term A. A. They are dis-
tinct matters from military command and discipline.
The Sovereign has the supreme command of the
British army ; but the Secretary of State for War is
her responsible representative in all that concerns
administration—the Commander-in-chief being her