organisation of this force were intrusted to Sir Joseph
Paxton. As soon as he had obtained 1000 efficient
men, he sent them out; and their value was so soon
felt by Lord Raglan, that other detachments gra-
dually followed, until the corps comprised 3500 men
in the later months of 1855. The men were paid
well, and they worked well; and as their engage-
ment related only to the special duties connected
with the siege-camp, the country was not saddled
with any burden after the need for these services
had ceased. They did not require to be drilled for
their duties, like sappers; and they were ready for
work at once, as artisans or labourers. There were
some cases of disagreement between the men and
their employers, after the whole of the British had
returned from the Crimea, in a matter of wages due;
but this was a question of detail, and did not affect
the usefulness of the corps. The experience gained
has been valuable, as shewing in what way, under
special circumstances, ordinary workmen and la-
bourers may be employed as assistants to a military
ARNAULD, AxcfriQue, a daughter of Robert
Arnauld d’Andilly, was born on the 28th November
1624. From her earliest years, she exhibited an
extraordinary force and resoluteness of character,
and excited much anxious speculation concerning
her future career among her relatives. When not
quite twenty years of age, she became a nun at
Port-Royal des Champs, where she had been edu-
cated by her aunt, Marie Jaqueline Angélique
Arnauld, sister of the great Arnauld. Nine years
after, she was made subprioress ; and on removing
some years later to Port-Royal de Paris, she held
the same office. During the persecution of the Port-
Royalists, A. A., by her piety and courage, sustained
the spirit of the sisterhood. The whole family,
male and female, were determined Jansenists, and
none more so than Mother Angélique de Saint-
Jean (her conventual name). She had much to
endure, but she met misfortunes with earnest intre-
pidity. A royal order was issued to break up the
nunnery. The police arrested the inmates, who
were dispersed in various convents throughout
France, and constant efforts were made by the
Jesuits to induce them to sign the ‘Formulary of
Alexander VII” A. A. was alone exempted from
listening to their arguments and solicitations, her
¢ obstinacy’ being supposed invincible. At length,
by command of the Archbishop of Paris, the nuns
were restored to Port-Royal des Champs; but for
some years they were subjected to a strict surveil-
lance by soldiers, who watched all their movements,
and allowed them no intercourse with persons out of
the convent. In 1669, however, was issued the edict
of Clement IX. for the peace of the church, which
was a kind of compromise on this vexed question of
Jansenism and Jesuitism. The nuns received back
the privileges of which they had been stripped, and
constituted their society anew. A. A. was again
elected prioress. In 1678, she was made abbess.
The next year, her protectress, the Duchesse de
Longueville, died, and the persecution recommenced,
by the prohibition to receive any more novices. Still
Angglique did not despair. She consoled the nuns,
and exerted all her influence with persons in power,
but with little effect. At last she sank under a
complication of griefs, and expired on the 29th of
January 1684, leaving behind her as bright and
beautiful a memory as any of her countrywomen.
She was learned without being pedantic, pious with-
out bigotry, and gentle to others in proportion as she
was severe to herself. A. A. wrote several works,
the most valuable of which is Mémoires pour servir
a la Vie de la Mére Marie Angélique Arnauld de
ARNAULD, AxToINE, the greatest advocate of
his time in France, was born at Paris in 1560. He
was descended from an ancient family of Auvergne,
which had distinguished itself both in civil and
military affairs. A. was not less remarkable for his
eloquence than for his probity. His zealous defence
of the university of Paris against the Jesuits in
1594 won for him a wide celebrity. It was re-
printed in 1717. He published another work
against the Society of Jesus, and several tractates of
an earnest political character. The Jesuits accused
him of being a Huguenot, but the accusation was
unfounded, for he had no personal predilection in
favour of Protestantism as a distinct religious sys-
tem. He had several children, who formed the
nucleus of the Jansenists and Port-Royalists. He
died 29th December 1619.
ARNAULD, ANTOINE, known as ‘the great A.)
the twentieth and youngest son of the preceding, was
born at Paris, February 6, 1612. Although originally
intended for the bar, he could not conceal his dislike
of the legal profession, and was in consequence
dedicated by his mother to the service of the
church. Entering the Sorbonne, he became a pupil
of Lescot, the confessor of Cardinal Richelieu, and
afterwards Bishop of Chartres. Lescot initiated
him into the scholastic theology ; but his attention
having been drawn to the writings of Augustine, he
soon conceived an admiration for that profoundest
of the early Christian thinkers which he ever after
retained. It was Augustine, he himself admitted,
who first shewed him the great difference between
the two states—that of a nature whole and sound,
and that of a nature corrupted by sin. In 1641,
the Sorbonne wished to receive him into their
society, on account of his extraordinary piety and
talents, but Cardinal Richelien opposed this. In
the following year he was ordained a priest, and in
1643 he published a work entitled De la Fréquente
Communion, which was received in the most favour-
able manner by all except the Jesuits, who had taken
alarm at the virtues of A., and were already attempt-
ing to defame one whom they instinctively felt to be
a reproach to their order. As a consequence of this
publication, he was now admitted ¢ of the Society’ of
the Sorbonne. ' A. not only replied to the aspersions
of the Jesuits in his Awertissement, bub also sent
forth a work which was the prelude to a long and
ferce contest with his adversaries, Téologie Morale
des Jésuites (Moral Theology of the Jesuits). But
the hatred of the latter was not confined to literary
libels ; they advised the chancellor of the Sorbonne
to carry the dispute to Rome, whither A. would
be obliged to follow and defend himself. In this
scheme, however, they were defeated.
A. now buried himself in seclusion for twenty-one
years, during which period, however, his pen was
almost continuously active. In 1644 appeared his
Tradition de UEglise sur la Pénitence (Opinion of
the Church on the Doctrine of Penitence). It
was a reply to the attacks which the Jesuits had
made against his Frequent Communion. A. was
still entangled in the disputes which arose oub of
this treatise, when he became involved in another
controversy that coloured the whole of his subse-
quent career, and may be said to have won for him
his position in history. Thiswas the great J ansenist
controversy. In 1640 had appeared a posthumous
work of Jansenius, Bishop of Ypres, entitled Augus-
tinus ; sew Doctrina Sancte Augusting de Humance
Nature Sanctitate, Lgritudine, Medicind, adversus
Pelagianos et Masstlienses. It laid down with a
rigour equal to that of Calvin the doctrines of pre-
destination, the corruption of human nature, and
the depravity of the will. It was specially intended
Sainte Madeleine, Réformatrice de Port-Eoyal.
as a counteractive against the lax principles and