(a) original image
(b) image in subpixel resolution
Figure 1: Band 4 (near infrared) of Landsat TM
problem and to obtain an improved image for line extraction.
In this paper, a Landsat TM image of an area in the north-
east of Vienna is used. For further processing the near in-
frared channel is selected due to its high potential of crop
discrimination and can be seen in figure 1(a).
In order to extract edges accurately, we apply spatial subpixel
analysis as proposed by Schneider [11]. This approach has
the capability to reduce the severe mixed pixel problem if the
average size of regions of homogeneous spectral signatures is
not much larger than the pixel size.
The signature of a mixed pixel is composed of different sig-
natures of two or possibly more adjacent regions. The border
between these regions passes through a mixed pixel which is
analysed within the context of its 8 neighbouring pixels. To
split one mixed pixel, the parameters of the borderline are
estimated. Possible parameters can be the orientation of the
borderline, the normal distance of the line and the pixel to be
analysed, and the spectral signatures. Subsequently, images
of reduced pixel size are produced according to the derived
The result of applying this method to our original Landsat im-
age, to be seen in figure 1(a), is shown in figure 1(b). Wher-
ever the spatial subpixel analysis was successful, each original
mixed pixel is replaced by 9 smaller pixels with "cleaner" spec-
tral signature. The improvement is obvious as long borders
appear much more smooth and straight. Problems still occur
at the corners of objects, e.g. at the right end of the bright
field in the centre.
The field boundaries are extracted from the subpixel pro-
cessed version of the near infrared channel (figure 1(b)) of our
Landsat image. Some optimal edge detector filters [9] and
the optimized Hough transform [6] provide the boundaries.
The field edges extracted consist locally of several parallel
lines, with the lines orthogonal to them missing due to the
fact that they are made up from many small edgel strings,
too noisy to be connected into straight lines by the Hough
These missing boundaries are perceptual boundaries, per-
ceived only due to the staggered nature of the long well de-
fined field boundaries along the orthogonal direction. As it
is unrealistic to expect an ordinary edge detector to identify
them, a special algorithm for the identification of percep-
tual lines has been developed. Details of this method are
described in [1]. It is based on the idea that the more promi-
nent edgels which have already been used for line extraction
are suppressed so that the Hough transform can be applied
once again to the reduced data set. Finally, the perceptual
lines are found, too. In figure 2(b) all the identified lines,
including the perceptual boundaries, are shown.
Finally, a high number of image line segments are identified.
A visual comparison shows that not all of them have corre-
sponding cadastral borders. Some of them are artifacts, but
most of them refer to "real" structures in the terrain, i.e.
to several crop types within one parcel of land. Some other
line segments are missing in the image since there is no grey
value difference in the image due to the same crop type on
neighbouring fields.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B4. Vienna 1996