Literatur 32
: Jahrd.Er- Tafeln Text- ] Abgebildete
en r nn scheinens BOEMEL farbig | schwarz bilder] Objekte
Jacquemart Histoire de la C&ramique | 1873 89 2 14 17
O. du Sartel La Porcelaine de Chine 1881 Fol, 18 14 1121 278
Orientalisches | Katalog .d. Oriental. Kera-
Museum, Wien mischen Ausstellung 1884 g0 1 44 49
M. Paleologue | L’Art Chinois 1887 g0 Il. 1127 138
Meyer Lung Ch’ Uan Yao oder
altes Seladon-Porzellan | 1889 | Gr.-4° 3 24
Grandidier La Ceramique Chinoise 1894 | Gr.-4° 42 125
Garland Handb. Chin. Porcelain 1895 80 33 70
Walters Oriental Ceramic art 1897 | Imp. 40 | 9 373 504
Hippisley China, Ceramie 1900 g0 21 42
Cosmo Monk- | Chinese porcelain
house (vergriffen) 1901 80 24 48 102
W. G. Gulland | Chinese porcelain, 2 Bde. | 1902 80 all 737
Warren Catal. of antique Chinese
Porcelains 1902 g0 14 24
Ch. P. Taft A Catalogue of Chinese
(Privatdruck) porcelains 1904 8 25 100
Brinkley Japan u, China. Bd. IX
China, Ceramic art 1904 g0 11 7 25
Dedekam Kinesik Porc. Kristiania | 1905 g0 5 5
Bushell Chinese Art, Bd. II 1906 g0 69 85
W. Burton Porcelain (China) 1906 80 13 22
Coll. d. M.X. | Cat. d. anc. pore. d. Chine | 1906 g0 4 1 32
Crisp Amorial China 1907 | Gr..4° | 12 15
Mrs. Hodgson | Old Chinese Porcelain 1907 g0 41 86
Pierpont Mor- | Catalogue of the Morgan
gan Collection 1907 80 a 145
(Privatdruck) Luxusausgabe | 1904 77
Blacker Chats on Oriental China | 1908 80 2 (44 17
Bushell Porcelain of different Dy-
nasties, XVI. Century 1908 | Gr.-4° | 83 85
John Getz, Catalogue of the Macom-
Boston ber Collection of Chin.
Pottery 1909 g0 H 30
Laufer Chinese Pottery of the
Han Dynasty 1909 80 75 18 206
A. W. Bahr Old Chinese Porcelain und
Works of Art 1911 80 12 95 263
Wannieck Collection, Februar 1911 1911 80 11 124
Burlington |.Exhib. early Chin. pottery
Fine arts Club and porcelain 1911 49 15 44 173