Full text: Die Weltliteratur der Elektricität und des Magnetismus von 1860-1883 mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Elektro-Technik

Gore — Grandeau 
Gore, G., The art of electro-metallurgy, including all known 
processes of electro-deposition. 120. 391 p. Illustr. London, 
Longmans. 1877. sh. 6.— 
— Theory and practice of electro-deposition, incl. every known 
mode of depositing metals. 12°.. London, C. Griffin & Co. 
$ 8 6d. 
— On Electrotorsion. With fig. 4%. London. 1874. 
Gould, B. A., On the transatlantic longitude. 4". 110 p. Washington, 
Smithsonian Inst. 1860. $.1.— 
Government, the, and the Telegraphs. Statement of the case of the 
Electric and International Telegraph Company against the 
Government Bill for acquiring the telegraphs. SI1:98: p 
London, E. Wilson. 1868. = 8,0.d. 
Nr. 2. A second statement of the case of the Electric and 
International Telegraph Company against the Government Bill 
for acquiring the telegraph; being reply to the statement put 
forth by the Post Office in answer to the first pamphlet published 
by the Electric and International Telegraph Company. London, 
E. Wilson. 1868. —s.6d 
Govi, Gilb., Romagnosi e l’elettro-magnetismo. 8°. 16.p. Torino, 
stamperia reale. 1800. 
Gozzini, A., Di un metodo cauterio galvano-caustico-chimico nella 
cura dei tracomi: schiarimenti e documenti. 80. 16 p. Firenze 
tip. Ricci. 1876. 
__ Osservazioni critiche sopra una nuova pila d’uso chirurgico 
publicata dalla relazione del G. Pizzorno. — Riduzione alla 
pila Grenet. — Spirali di platino sostituite al cauterj di platino 
sopra porcellana nella galvano-caustico-termica. 5°. 20 p. Fi- 
renze, tip. Martini. 1874. 
Gracklauer, O., Verzeichniss sämmtlicher Schriften über Beleuch- 
tungswesen, Petroleum, Gasbeleuchtung, elektrische Beleuchtung 
von ı865—ı1881 im deutschen Buchhandel erschienen 
sind. 80, 7.8. Leipzig, Gracklauer. 1881. M. —.2« 
Graeger, N., Handbuch. der Metall-Decorirung od. das Decoriren u. 
Verfeinern .d. Metallwaaren, des Glases, Porzellans u. d. Gewel 
‘euer, auf chem. u. galvan. Wege etc., nebst einer kur: 
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galvan. Kette. 4. Aufl. v. Schmidt’s Kunst des Vergold 
XVI, 270 S. m. 23 Abbild. auf 2 lith. Taf. 4%. Weimar, Voigt. 
ENS. > 
Grandeau, L., Infuence de I’ atmospherique sur la nutri 
tion des plantes. gr. 80, 4 p. avec fig. Paris, imp. Tolmer et 

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