Full text: Versameling van Hondert Vyftig Nederlantse Outheeden en Gesigten (I. Deel)

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rendred Publick ; and if fome of them are to be met With, 
oné moft Obferve that they are in another Point of view „ and 
in a different profpect. 
Amongft all thofe views and Monuments, Yon Will have 
more than 250. that Were never rendred Publick ; and fome 
reprefented in three or four different views, as Konings-velt naer 
Delft ; the Choartuftan’s Cloyfter ; the houfe of Spange &c. 
To Thofe Monuments, of the %. Provinces, We have ad- 
ded fome out of the Country of Cleves , not fo much becaufe 
* is in the Neighbourhood , but for the fake of the fair Pro- 
{peéts that are in ‘that Country. 
The fingular and different Manner of Ingraving thofe Pla- 
tes, and that fo Comformably to their fubjeêts ; ‘The exaéteneff 
we have Obferved in Conforming our Draughts to the Origi- 
nals; This Collection fo Numerous , » and What is Un-com- 
mom , begun And ended by the fame hand ; Cannot tail to goin 
us the General applaufe. 
This Collection fhall be divided in Two Parts, Each one 
containing 15o. Monuments or views, with a hort explica- 
tion, in Dutch, French, and Emglifh , of What is contained in 
this Work ; Anc ‚ as much as we Could , we have Mark’d the 
Epock , of the Origine, the Decaying, and alterations of thofe 

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