Suggestions to astronomers for the observation of the total eclipse of the sun 1851.
Rep. Brit. Assoc. (20) 1850.
Sonnenfinsterniss vom 18. Aug. 1868. Norddeutsche Expedition. Y. J. S. 3, 186, 209.
Sonnenfinsternissexpedition von 1868. V. J. S. 4, 288.
Die amerikanische Sonnenfinsterniss von 1869. Photogr. Not. 5, 151.
Die Photographien der letzten Sonnenfinsterniss (1869). Photogr. Corresp. 7, 182.
The great solar eclipse. Brit. Journ. Photogr. 15, 410.
Totale Sonnenfinsterniss von 1874. Sirius 8.
The total eclipse of the sun. Journ. Photogr. Soc. 6, 271.
Failure of photographing the eclipse in India. Photogr. News 12, 507.
The eclipse. Photogr. News 23, 583.
Photography and the eclipse. Photogr. New.s 15, 109.
The eclipse expedition. Photogr. News 15, 611.
The late eclipse controversy. Photogr. News 17, 33.
M. Janssen on solar photography; the Oroheliograph. Anthony’s Photogr. Bull. 9, 39.
Photographs of the eclipse of July 19, 1879. Obs. 3, 212.
The solar eclipse. Photogr. News 19, 179.
Total eclipse of the sun. Photogr. News 22, 325, 367, 373, 383, 394.
Photographs of the great solar eclipse. Journ. Photogr. Soc. 11, 114.
Successful observations of the great solar eclipse. Brit. Journ. Phot. 16, 415.
The eclipse of the sun. Brit. Journ. Phot. 25, 367.
Report on the solar eclipse of Aug. last. Brit. Journ. Phot. 17, 159,
Neue Beobachtungen auf der Sonnenoberflache. Photogr. Mitth. 15; Photogr. News
22, 327.
Photographie der Protuberanzen ohne Sonnenfinsterniss. Photogr. Mitth. 7, 209.
Solar photography simplified. Brit. Journ. Phot. 17, 551.
Photography and the sun’s surroundings. Photogr. News 23, 458, 509.
Photographs of the sun. Photogr. News 14, 419.
Solar photography in France. Photogr. News 20, 253.
Solar photography. Photogr. News 18, 371.
M. Janssen’s solar discoveries. Photogr. News 22, 7, 92.
Sunspots studied by photography. Phot. News 21, 603. Anthony’s Phot. Bull. 9, 52.
Reports on the observations of the total eclipse of the sun 1889. Lick Observatory.
Sacramento 1889.
Reports on the observations of the total eclipse of the sun. Dec. 1889 .... Lick
Observatory. Sacramento 1891.
V. Venusdurchgânge (Instrumente, Methoden, Résultats).
Abney, W. de W. Photography in the transit of Venus. M. N. 35, 309.
On photographic operations connected with the transit of Venus. Rep. Brit.
Assoc. 1874, II. 20. Photogr. News 18, 429; 19, 160. Journ. Brit. Soc. Photogr. 16.
(Beobachtung des Venusdurchgangs.) Brit. Journ. Phot. 1875, 777.
Airy, G. B. Account of observations of the transit of Venus 1874. App. 18. Lon
don 1881.
On the observations of the transit of Venus 1874. V. J. S. 4, 190.
André, Ch. Résultats des observations du passage de Mercure 1878. C. R. 86,1380.
Angot, A. Sur l’application de la photographie à l’observation du passage de
Vénus. C. R. 84, 109, 294. M. N. 37, 392.