is not in an ideal enclosure with opaque walls at constant temperature;
but the stellar conditions approach the ideal far more closely than any
laboratory experiments can do. The material of a star is very opaque to
the kind of radiation existing there. According to the figures deduced for
Capella a screen containing 0T gm. per sq. cm. would let through e~ 12 or
•000006 of the radiation falling on it; at the average density in Capella
such a screen would be 50 cm. thick. If then we draw a sphere of radius
50 cm. round a point in Capella the radiation at this point will be practically
isolated from everything outside the sphere. The temperature gradient in
Capella is about 1° per kilometre so that the enclosing walls with which
we have surrounded the point are at constant temperature to within
0°-001—a uniformity scarcely likely to be attained in laboratory con
Take the axis of x in the direction of the temperature gradient and
consider a thin slab of stellar material at right angles to Ox having 1 sq. cm.
area and thickness dx. Let the temperatures of the two faces be T and
T + dT. The radiation pressure acting normally on the two faces will
give forces + p R and — ( p R + dp R ), so that the resultant force in the
direction Ox is j
— dp R ,
This resultant gives the amount of momentum which is being acquired
per second in the region occupied by the slab owing to the flow of radiation.
Since there is equilibrium this momentum must be got rid of; and it
can only be got rid of by being first passed on to the matter of the slab.
(The ultimate fate of the momentum does not concern us here, but it may
be explained that when handed over to the matter it helps to neutralise
the momentum communicated to the matter by gravitation.) The
momentum passes into the matter by the process of absorption (including
Let k be the mass coefficient of absorption. The definition of k is that
a thin screen of material of mass w per sq. cm. absorbs the fraction kw
of the radiation passing through it normally. In our problem w — pdx,
and accordingly if H ergs of radiation per sq. cm. per sec. are travelling
along Ox the amount absorbed will be Hkpdx and its ^-momentum will
be Hkpdx/c per sq. cm. per sec.
Consider next H ergs per sec. passing obliquely through a sq. cm. of
the slab at an angle of incidence 9. The distance travelled through the slab
is now dx sec 9 and the absorption is increased proportionately. The
momentum absorbed is now Hkpdx sec 9/c; but multiplying by cos 9
to obtain the ^-component, the absorption of «-momentum is as before
H kpdxjc
for any angle of incidence up to 90°. Of course, if the angle is greater than
90° so that the radiation passes in the other direction through the slab,