relative abundance of the chemical elements—that a star showing strongly
the iron spectrum is richer in that element than other stars; it is rather
an indication of physical conditions of temperature and density favourable
for exciting the respective spectra. Without entirely denying the possibility
of differences of chemical composition, which may be necessary to account
for some of the more unusual types of spectrum, we assume that in the
main the observed differences of surface phenomena are not connected
with chemical constitution.
We have thus to consider an atmosphere of material of fixed composi
tion, with free upper surface and density increasing downwards. Its
physical state—distribution of density, temperature and pressure; hence
also its radiative and optical properties—will then depend entirely on the
extraneous controlling influences to which it is subjected; and these
extraneous influences are, as already stated, the force of gravity holding
it down to the star and the stream of radiant heat poured into it from
below. In order to remain in a steady state the atmosphere must adjust
itself to let the radiant heat pass through. Thus the surface conditions
depend on two parameters, viz. the value of g at the surface and the
“effective temperature” T e . The effective temperature is a conventional
measure specifying the rate of outflow of radiant heat per unit area; it
is not to be regarded as the temperature at any particularly significant
level in the star.
By varying the controlling factors g and T e the state of the stellar
atmosphere can be varied in two directions. Accordingly we must expect
that the possible varieties of stellar spectrum will form a twofold sequence,
that is to say, will be capable of arrangement in two-dimensional order.
This is in fact the case. For a long time only a one-dimensional order was
recognised, viz. the well-known Draper sequence of types. But the
spectroscopic method of determining absolute magnitudes, due to Adams
and Kohlschiitter in 1914, introduces a classification of spectra transverse
to the Draper classification. Roughly speaking the Draper criterion follows
the parameter T e and the absolute magnitude criterion the parameter g;
but the correspondence is probably not so close as was at one time sup
posed. The observational criteria divide the two-dimensional distribution
of states into one system of meshes, and the parameters T e and g into
another system. There is no reason to anticipate any close coincidence of
the two methods of partition.
The same twofold sequence of possible states appears when we con
sider the star as a whole. Evidently one sequence is obtained by considering
stars of different mass. A transverse sequence is formed by stars of the
same mass but different radius (or mean density). Thus a third way of
dividing into meshes the two-dimensional distribution of states is obtained
by taking the mass and radius of the star, M and R, as parameters.