Full text: The internal constitution of the stars

these supply M sin 3 i and a sin i as in the case of Capella (§ 11); but 
whereas for Capella i was found from the visual orbit, for V Puppis it is 
found by analysis of the light-curve. It can generally be inferred that i is 
near 90° for eclipsing variables since otherwise eclipses would not occur; 
but in V Puppis and some other systems the separation is not large in 
comparison with the radii of the components and a more trustworthy 
estimate is needed. The method of analysing the light-curve is due to 
H. N. Russell; it enables the quantities i and R/a to be found. Combining 
these with M sin 3 i and a sin i, we obtain the values of M and R given 
We have 
L = 7 tclcR^T* = 2-62.10 37 ergs per second, 
which corresponds to bolometric magnitude — 4 m -75. Table 16 gives 
Am = 1-63, so that the visual magnitude is — 3 m -12. 
For comparison with this we shall calculate the magnitude from M by 
the present theory. For M = 19-2, we find 1 — ¡3 — *597. Then L is 
conveniently found by comparison with Capella, using the relation 
L oc M° (1 — £)* T e \ 
L for V Puppis /19-_2\* /-597\* /19000N* . 
sothat L for Capella ~ U*18/ V283/ V 5200 ) 
= 72-9 = 4-66 magnitudes. 
Hence the absolute bolometric magnitude of V Puppis determined 
from the observed M is 
_ o m -40 - 4 m -66 = - o m -06 
in satisfactory agreement with the determination — 4 m -75 from the 
observed R. 
Other details are— 
Pm = '0618, 
Pa = 3-35, 
T c = 4-24.10 7 . 
The comparison of theory and observation for V Puppis is of special 
interest because it takes us as far as is yet possible in the direction of high 
mass. It is known, however, that greater masses occur. J. S. Plaskett* 
has found for the spectroscopic binary B.D. 6° 1309 
M x sin 3 i = 75-6 0, M % sin 3 i = 63-3 O. 
Since i is unknown the masses cannot be determined, but they are 
necessarily greater than 75 and 63. In fact the masses are greater than 
87 and 73 because i must be such that the two discs never overlap-—other 
wise eclipses would be observed. 
* Monthly Notices, 82, p. 447. It is pointed out that 29 Canis Majoris also has 
a mass at least as great as that of V Puppis.

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