and over-stability seems to be very narrow. We have seen that there is
one way of meeting it. We can suppose that the dependence of the libera
tion of energy on density and temperature is not immediate but deferred ;
that is to say, active material is formed at a rate depending on tempera
ture and density, but it has a life of at least several years and yields up its
energy at a rate independent of temperature and density. In that case
the liberation of heat will not vary during short period oscillations but
will respond to long continued changes of temperature.
But the grave objection to a critical temperature—especially a critical
temperature so low as 40,000,000°—is that there is nothing in our current
physical knowledge of atoms and electrons and radiation to render it
probable. In particular the radiation at this temperature consists of X rays
of a very ordinary kind and the electrons have speeds such as are common
in laboratory experiments. Only after a very exhaustive elimination of
alternatives would we venture to recommend so revolutionary a hypothesis.
Physical Difficulties.
209. If the astronomical evidence afforded more definite guidance for
a formulation of the laws of liberation of subatomic energy, we should
still, I suppose, have to submit the resulting theories to the censorship
of the mathematical physicist. It may save waste of time in looking in
hopeless directions if we know in advance the kind of theory which the
physicist would condemn as intolerable. But his own position contains
difficulties and contradictions and it is doubtful if he is justified in exer
cising any rigid censorship.
The difficulty is that from the physicist’s point of view the temperature
of the stars is absurdly low. He regards the stars as practically at absolute
zero, because in regard to nuclear processes 40 million degrees is a small
quantity which it is scarcely worth while to take notice of. If liberation
of subatomic energy occurs freely on the stars, why not on the earth?
As regards laboratory conditions, electrons and ions of far higher
energy than would correspond to 40 million degrees can be studied. If
concentration of energy is required, the stars have the advantage ; never
theless a concentration equivalent to 1| million degrees has been reached
by Kapitza and by Anderson. It is to be remarked, however, that the
radiation released by the subatomic processes would be extremely pene
trating, and even if released in the laboratory would be difficult to catch
and measure.
The absence of release in the interior of the earth could perhaps be
explained by the comparative fixity of the electrons. Yet there must be
considerable numbers of free electrons, as is shown by the thermoelectric
emission from hot metals.