The material is taken to be calcium which is found to be singly ionised in
these conditions so that
Z - 20, A = 40, p = 20, / = 1.
The result is k = 2-00.10 3 (247-15).
Milne gives k = 7-8.10 3 , the difference being due to his neglect of Rosse-
land’s correction. We might feel inclined to adopt a value 10 times larger
than (247-15), since the theoretical result is only T 1 ^ of the observed value
in the deep interior. As Milne’s value corresponds to a convenient com
promise we shall adopt it in this section, so that
k 0 — 7800 (247-16),
k 0 denoting the value of k for the standard temperature and pressure
defined above.
Since = (247-2),
p R a ¡xT z
the absorption law k oc p/p,T- can be written
At 6000°, p R = 3-30
koc^T-i (247-3).
dynes/cm. 2 Hence determining the constant from
k = 129—
248. To determine the value of k in the outer part of the sun Milne
adopts a procedure equivalent to the following. The fundamental equation
(233-1) gives
dpo =
1 )dpR (248-1).
eg _
JcH L )
Integrating this on the assumption that k can be treated as constant and
neglecting the constant of integration, we have
Hence by (247-4)
Setting for the sun T
Po== ^kH
-lj Vr (248-15).
(uD'w/ 1 (248 ' 2 >-
6000°, cgfH = 1-319.10 4 , we have
k _ 13190 _
129 ~ k A ’
whence k = 1241.
For approximate calculation the term — 1 in (248-2) is unimportant
so that m -1
T N“2
k* =
129 eg
and k oc T Hence the result is consistent with the original assumption
that k can be treated as constant for a considerable range of temperature.