254. We now consider what happens as we descend in the chromo
sphere still assuming that Ca + is the only material present. The investiga
tion of § 226 is immediately applicable and we have
where H', J', r refer to monochromatic radiation of frequency v 12 . The
law of darkening towards the limb (for the residual radiation at the centre
of the absorption line) can be worked out as before and the same result
(227-2) is obtained as for the photospheric radiation as a whole*. This is
believed to be confirmed by observation.
The resultant outward force of radiation pressure is proportional to
H and the weight to be supported is proportional to n x + n 2 . Hence,
since H' is constant, the ratio of radiation force to gravity varies with
depth as n x /{n x + n 2 ). A correction however is required on account of the
momentum of the “stimulated emission.” Whilst the spontaneous emis
sion is symmetrical in all directions, the stimulated emission is in the
direction of the stimulating radiation ; the radiation pressure is accordingly
reduced in corresponding proportion. It will be seen from (253-2) and
(253-3) that the stimulated is to the spontaneous emission in the pro
portion (e hv ™l RT < 1 — l)/|r : 1 or approximately n 2 jqn x . Hence the radiation
pressure is reduced approximately in the ratio % — n 2 lq : %. Writing
the constant a is determined by the condition that this ratio must be
unity at the top of the chromosphere where the gas pressure vanishes.
Since q — 3 and n 2 Jn x for the top of the chromosphere is 3-54.10-V, this
Now n 2 fn 1} so long as it is small, is proportional, not to H', but to J'
and therefore to 1 + fr'. Hence
* Not the law of darkening for the neighbouring portion of the continuous
spectrum which introduces other considerations (§ 229). Hence the contrast or
“blackening” will not be strictly constant over the disc.
radiation force
e = 4-72.10-V.
(q + 1 ) n 2 fqyi\ = (J (1 +
By (254-1) and (254-2)
radiation force _ 1 + cr
gravity 1 + o- + f to
|t '<7 approximately.