Since n" can take any value from 0 to n' and n' can take any value from
1 to w there should be \n (n + 3) different orbits of principal quantum
number n. We have in this book taken the number to be n (n + 1 ) following
the chief authorities. (But see footnote, p. 70).
43. In the undisturbed system here considered the coordinates q 2 and
q 3 never describe their periods. Does the corresponding quantisation
nevertheless occur?
The question as it stands is meaningless, since no observable effects
would proceed from the quantisation if it did occur. The Bohr model is
not so literal a picture of the atom as to possess an intrinsic truth inde
pendent of the observable effects it embodies. The importance of the
quantisation is that it determines the change of energy, and therefore the
frequency of the emitted radiation, when passage from one state to another
occurs; but in the present simple system the energy does not depend on
either n' or n", so that it is indifferent whether these quantisations occur
or not.
If we consider the slightly disturbed Keplerian motion which results
from taking account of change of mass with velocity (“relativity correc
tion”) or from the presence of other electrons in the system, the apse-
line revolves; q 2 now describes its period 2tt and the second quantisation
should be effective. At the same time the calculated energy of the system
receives a correction involving n' and the quantisation can thus betray
itself to observation by a discrete series of values of the energy corre
sponding to the integers n '. Again an extraneous electric or magnetic
field causes the node to revolve; q 3 now describes its period and introduces
the third quantisation. At the same time the external field provides a
plane of reference (previously lacking) for i, and there is a small correction
to the energy involving cos i and therefore n". The discrete values of the
energy corresponding to the integers n" betray the quantisation. The
existence of quantisation is only doubtful when it could give no observable
In a slightly modified form the question becomes significant. In actual
atoms the quantisation is not perfectly sharp, that is to say, the energy
may have values extending over a small range about the mean value, and
the spectral lines emitted in transitions to other states have a small but
finite width. There is no doubt that the sharpness of the quantisation is
connected with the number of periods described by the corresponding
coordinate; accordingly as q 2 and q 3 move slower and slower the sub
sidiary quantisations will fade into indefiniteness. In this sense we can
say definitely that when q 2 and q 3 are stationary only the principal
quantisation remains. We can picture the quantisation as a kind of reson
ance effect which operates the more strongly the greater the number of