ns of the
îe tables,
iensity to
the mass
the con-
of a unit
entry B'
of perfect
to denote
drawn in
sure p G to
n terms of
ìe constant
s m = R/H,
By (57-3) the central temperature is determined by
B' G fiixM
0 (w+lJJTSR B
Provided that /3p, is constant through the star (which is actually a fair
approximation) we have by (58-3) T oc cf>. Hence
T/T 0 = u (58-5).
59. To show the method of using these formulae and tables we give
calculations for the bright component of Capella. For the assumed re
lation between pressure and density we take Pxp* so that n = 3 and the
appropriate table is Table 6. The mass and radius of Capella (§ 13) are
M = 8-3 . 10 33 gm., B = 9-55 . 10 11 cm.,
whence the mean density is
Pm = -00227.
From Table 6, column 6, the ratio p 0 lp m is 54-36. Hence
p 0 = -1234 gm. per c.c.
Also from the last line of Table 6
M' = 2-015, B' = 6-901.
Hence by (57-3)
, 6-66.10- 8 x 8-3.10 33 x 6-901 , _
2-015 x 9-55.10 11 1-982.10 ,
and by (55-42)
P 0 = ipo&o = i x -1234 x 1-982.10 15 = 6-11.10 13 dynes per sq. cm.
To determine the central temperature we must assume a molecular
weight, and, if radiation pressure is not neglected, a factor )3. We take
/xj8 = 2-0 which is probably fairly near the truth, then by (58-3)
2-0 x 1-982.10 15
= T20.10 7 degrees.
u 4 x 8-26.10 7
To find the conditions at another point in the star, take for example
the line z = 3-5 in Table 6. This relates to a distance from the centre given
- = 2 = — - 50"
B B' 6-901 ’
or a little more than half-way from the centre to the surface. Here
T = -27629P 0 - 3-32 . 10 6 ,
p = -02109p 0 = -00260,
P = -005828P 0 = 3-56 . 10 u .
Also at this point
: = 0-90,