Full text: Populäre astronomische Encyclopädie

Funkeln der Sterne. 
Mittlere Oerter der Hauptsterne für 1870. 
Yer ander ung 
a Androraed. 
h m s 
0 1 40,290 
+ 3*0866 
+ 28° 22 22,42 
+ 19,909 
y Pegasi 
0 6 32,680 
+ 3,0823 
+ 14 27 38,88 
+ 20,034 
a Cassiopej. 
a Arietis 
0 33 8,642 
+ 3,3613 
+ 55 49 26,56 
+ 19,810 
1 59 50,982 
+ 3,3669 
+ 22 50 47,69 
+ 17,238 
a Ceti 
2 55 29,144 
+ 3,1238 
+ 3 34 40,66 
a Persei 
3 15 3,264 
+ 4,2485 
+ 49 23 45,16 
+ 13,175 
a Tauri 
4 28 27,813 
+ 3,4358 
+ 16 14 44,93 
+ 7,634 
a Aurigae 
5 7 5,387 
+ 4,4231 
+ 45 51 45,41 
+ 4,169 
P Orionis 
P Tauri 
5 8 17,509 
+ 2,8814 
- 8 21 14,88 
+ 4,471 
5 18 4;550 
+ 3,7882 
+ 28 29 40,74 
+ 3,455 
a Orionis 
5 48 8,119 
+ 3,2476 
+ 7 22 48,85 
+ 1,038 
a Can. maj. 
6 39 25,037 
+ 2,6462 
-16 32 23,80 
- 4,731 
a Gemin.*) 
7 26 17,851 
+ 3,8395 
+ 32 10 15,20 
- 7,451 
a Oan. min. 
7 32 29,738 
+ 3,1365 
+ 5 33 21,34 
- 8,803 
P Gemin. 
7 37 21,515 
+ 3,6818 
+ 28 20 15,89 
- 8,325 
a Hydrae 
9 21 11,965 
+ 2,9492 
- 8 5 46,69 
- 15,392 
a Leonis 
10 1 26,805 
+ 3,2020 
+ 12 36 5,80 
a Urs. maj. 
10 55 40,957 
+ 3,7632 
+ 62 27 7,20 
- 19,359 
¡3 Leonis 
11 42 25,659 
+ 3,0655 
+ 15 17 55,89 
- 20,097 
(3 Yirginis 
11 43 55,403 
+ 3,1246 
+ 2 29 50,09 
- 20,287 
Y Urs. maj. 
11 46 59,004 
+ 3,1901 
+ 54 25 2,97 
- 20,025 
a Yirginis 
13 18 20,828 
+ 3,1516 
- 10 28 54,70 
- 18,930 
7] Urs. maj. 
13 42 24,984 
4- 2,3731 
+ 49 57 46,68 
- 18,104 
a Bootis 
14 9 43,953 
+ 2,7337 
+ 19 51 38.42 
- 18,895 
la Librae 
14 43 29,966 
+ 3,3055 
- 15 27 17,39 
- 15,230 
2a Librae 
14 43 41,413 
+ 3,3065 
- 15 29 58,72 
- 15,208 
P Urs. min. 
14 51 6,671 
- 0,2505 
+ 74 41 10,65 
- 14,762 
a Coronae 
15 29 11,096 
+ 2.5387 
+ 27 9 14,80 
a Serpentis 
a Scorpii 
15 37 51,982 
+ 2,9503 
+ 6 50 11,96 
16 21 26,392 
+ 3,6674 
-26 8 26,44 
- 8,381 
a Herculis 
17 8 43,280 
+ 2,7334 
+14 32 26,75 
- 4,402 
a Ophiuchi 
17 28 54,043 
+ 2,7817 
+ 12 39 25,40 
- 2,916 
Y Draconis 
17 53 35,402 
+ 1,3936 
+ 51 30 18,40 
- 0,598 
a Lyrae 
18 32 32,246 
+ 2,0312 
+ 38 39 51,33 
+ 3,124 
Y Aquilae 
19 40 4,782 
+ 2,8527 
+ 10 17 54,52 
+ 8,487 
a Aquilae 
19 44 26,462 
+ 2,9286 
+ 8 31 37,38 
+ 9,210 
P Aquilae 
19 48 55,685 
+ 2,9475 
+ 6 5 2,33 
+ 8,694 
la Capric. 
20 10 26,478 
+ 3,3306 
- 12 54 27,95 
+ 10,817 
2a Capric. 
20 10 50,430 
+ 3,3338 
-12 56 44,30 
a Oygni 
20 37 0,020 
+ 2,0429 
+ 44 49 0,99 
+ 12,690 
a Cephei 
P Cephei 
a Aquarii 
21 15 28,516 
+ 1,4375 
+ 62 2 6,00 
21 26 58,376 
+ 0,7999 
+ 69 59 23,73 
21 59 6,407 
+ 3,0835 
- 0 57 0,82 
+ 17,327 
a Pise, austr. 
22 50 27,743 
+ 3,3296 
-30 18 37.86 
+ 18,973 
a Pegasi 
22 58 17,221 
+ 2,9839 
+14 30 24,07 
a Urs. min. 
1 11 16,925 
+ 20,1140 
+ 88 36 58,48 
+ 19,093 
8 Urs. min. 
18 14 16,411 
+ 86 36 20,33 
+ 1,269 
*) Bei a Geminorum gilt die AB. für das Mittel beider Sterne, die Deel, 
für den Hauptstern. Nach Thiele’s Bahn ist für 1870,5 die Reduction auf 
den Hauptstern: Aot = + 0 S ,195.

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