matical physicists. In the early years of the period Faraday was
still pouring out the Experimental Researches in Electricity papers,
which for clearness and charm of style, acuteness of insight, and
fertility in experiment will always remain classics, and should be
read by every young scientific aspirant whatever branch of science
he intends to follow. The Philosophical Transactions for 1851
contain no less than four of these memoirs out of a total of twelve
papers. The last number appeared in the volume for 1856, and in
the next year his Bakerian Lecture, Experimental Relation of Gold
and other Metals to Light, was the last of his great memoirs. He was
then sixty-six, and the remaining ten years of his life were naturally
a period of diminishing activity.
Thus ended the stage in which the physicist was compelled to
rely mainly upon experiment, and in the next stage experiment
tended to become the vehicle of verification rather than of investiga
tion. At the same time, when Faraday was approaching the end
of his labours, William Thomson, then a young man under thirty
but with already a continental reputation, was engaged in laying the
foundations of thermodynamics and in resolutely clearing away
the last difficulties that stood in the way of the full acceptance of
the principle of the conservation of energy. Joule’s great memoir,
On the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, had been read to the Royal
Society in 1849 June, and there only remained to explain the
apparent paradox that while a definite amount of heat was exactly
equivalent to a definite amount of work, even a perfect engine
could, as shown by Carnot’s reasoning, only develop a fraction of
the total. What, then, became of the energy apparently lost, and,
if lost, where was the conservation of energy ? The solution
was soon apparent to Thomson’s acute mind, who saw that it lay
in the distinction between the total energy of any system and the
available energy, and with this solution the foundation-stone of
thermodynamics was laid and the basis of all modern development
of energy production firmly fixed. We may therefore fairly claim
that in the year 1851 the two fundamental principles of physical
science, principles which neither rearrangements of time and space,
nor new conceptions of matter and force have yet shaken, the con
servation of energy and the second law of thermodynamics, were
defined in terms which would stand to-day and were finally accepted
in their present form. Just about this time another young man
of the same school, James Clerk Maxwell, had taken his degree,
and thinking of embarking on the studj' of electricity, was asking
advice as to what books on the subject he should read, trying his
hand in the meantime on a very difficult problem of astronomical
dynamics, the constitution and stability of Saturn’s rings. W T hile
in another direction G. G. Stokes was cutting out new paths in the