Full text: Astronomy and cosmogony

69, 70] 
Pressure of Radiation 
Before accepting this view of a star’s constitution as complete, a further 
complication must be taken into account. We have already noticed that the 
presence of radiation results in a pressure J aT 4 , where a = 7'63 x 10 -15 . If T has 
the value just calculated for the centre of the sun, namely, 4T x 10 7 degrees, 
the corresponding pressure of radiation is found to be 7*2 x 10 1 * dynes, which 
is about one-sixth of the total pressure given by the rough calculation of § 66 . 
Thus the mechanical effects of the pressure of radiation, while not great, 
are just too large to be disregarded entirely. The present writer drew 
attention to Emden’s neglect of the pressure of radiation when reviewing his 
Gas Kugeln in 1909*, and gave the first reasonably accurate estimate of its 
importance in 19l7j\ Eddington had attempted a calculation some months 
earlier, but had obtained values which were thousands of times too large 
through supposing the stellar matter to consist of unbroken atoms 
When the pressure of radiation is taken into account, the total pressure p 
inside a star whose material is of mean molecular weight p is given by 
P = ~ pT + § aT 4 (70-1), 
where the first term on the right represents the usual gas-pressure, which we 
shall henceforth denote by p 0 and shall, for the present, suppose to be given 
by Boyle’s law, and the second term denotes the pressure of radiation, which 
we shall call p R . If the ratio of gas-pressure to pressure of radiation is denoted 
by X, 
p = P° + P«=(i + l)p°= R ^eT (702), 
so that the effect of taking radiation-pressure into account is the same as that 
of reducing the molecular weight p by a factor X/(l + X). We may, if we please, 
treat the gas as though it had a fictitious molecular weight p given by 
P = 
1 + X 
and neglect the pressure of radiation entirely. By so doing we should be 
treating the pressure of radiation as though it arose from molecules of 
molecular weight zero, and on averaging over these fictitious molecules and 
the real material molecules of molecular weight g we obtain the average 
molecular weight p given by equation (70'3). 
The very rough calculation given above has suggested that X is about 5 at 
the sun’s centre, so that we could allow for the pressure of radiation by reducing 
the effective molecular weight at the sun’s centre by about 17 per cent. 
In more massive stars the pressure of radiation assumes greater importance. 
To see this let us start from a standard star such as the sun and increase its 
* Astrophys. Journ. xxx. (1909), p. 72. 
t Bakerian Lecture (1917), Phil. Trans. 218 a, p. 209. 
X M.N. Lxxvn. (1917), p. 16.

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