Full text: The role of digital components in photogrammetric instrumentations

Fig. 7 
Flow chart of the two-stage transformation 
The transformations can be extended to include corrections for any deterministic 
error. Such correction computations can be segmented between the higher rate trans 
formation runs. 
A modular arrangement of the equipment and sequential processing appear to be most 
appropriate. The digitising unit should provide for an easy and rapid operation. 
Medium accuracy and resolution ( cr Q * 10 ^m) is satisfactory. The observation 
system should allow of good interpretability. In off-line operation a simple plotting 
device should be attached to sketch traced lines and points. This would permit the 
Inspection of digitising. 
Metrip operations, photo-interpretation, and cartographic editing can be separated 
more distinctly than in conventional stereo-plotting. This leads to better employment 
of personnel, and thus to increased performance. The D. M. P. system» can ]?e made 
highly flexible and versatile. 
The development of digital equipment components in photogrammetry has led from the 
existing autonomous and/or dedicated units towards increasingly integrated systems.

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